单词 | wise |
释义 | wise I. < the house differed in no wise from its neighbors — Maurice Samuel > — often used in combination < likewise > < otherwise > II. 1. a. (1) < the wise man and teacher of the tribe — Nancy K. Hosking > < men may be wise … though their fund of knowledge is small — S.H.Slichter > (2) < which the wise powers deny us for our good — Shakespeare > b. (1) < a portion of reading quite indispensable to a wise man — R.W.Emerson > < grew up … wise in plants, wild animals, and the habits of their own goats and sheep — T.E.Lawrence > (2) < these dogs are bred … as rugged individuals each wise in his own nose — D.C.Peattie > c. < conservation and wise use of resources can make a wealthy people in a lonely land — H.W.Odum > < wise handling of a situation > < a wise investment > 2. archaic 3. a. < when questioned about the indicent he looked wise but refused to talk > < the wise money was ten to one > b. < unless they're wise to the slow, steady creep of the tide, they'll be in up to their hubcaps before they realize it — J.W.Noble > < able to sneak it in without the MPs getting wise — James Jones > < old timers put him wise to the tricks of cardsharpers > c. 4. archaic 5. < a bunch of wise kids throwing snowballs at buses > Synonyms: < wise men … anticipate possible difficulties, and decide beforehand what they will do if occasions arise — J.A.Froude > < she was also wise beyond her years, and she knew that when he no longer needed her advice he would dispense with her — Harrison Smith > sage is used interchangeably with wise but may also suggest venerability < the sage enchanter Merlin's subtle schemes — William Wordsworth > < her sage plan to make the family feel her worth, and to conquer the members of it one by one — George Meredith > sapient may imply a canny shrewdness rather than profound wisdom < the sapient leader who shall bring order out of the wild misrule — V.L.Parrington > < a sapient, instructed, shrewdly ascertaining ignorance — Walter Pater > judicious suggests judgment that is fair, level-headed, sound, and wise < it is not judicious, unbiased, academic; it is passionate, biased and provocative — H.L.Matthews > < with judicious officers the most unruly seamen can at sea be kept in some sort of subjection — Herman Melville > prudent suggests exercise of the restraint of sound practical wisdom and discretion to avoid anything rash or ill-advised < too prudent to say or hint anything which could create a suspicion in her colleague's breast — Anthony Trollope > < in the pursuit of pleasure, as in the purchase of securities, the prudent Southern gentleman has always preferred safety to hazard — Ellen Glasgow > sensible describes action according to good sense and accustomed rationality < let us, like sensible men, choose the lesser evil — John Strachey > < any sensible doctor when stricken by disease distrusts his own introspective diagnosis and calls in a colleague — C.K.Ogden & I.A.Richards > sane, usually contrasted with insane, indicates mental soundness, rationality, and level-headedness without wild quirks or deep derangements < I am no lunatic in a mad fit, but a sane man fighting for his soul — Bram Stoker > < praise all their wares in terms so extravagant that a sane buyer is instantly steeled against believing even that percentage of these praises which may perhaps be true — C.E.Montague > III. < a word to the wise is sufficient > < books … by the wise of other days — V.L.Parrington > IV. archaic V. transitive verb < I'll wise you. You've been bilked — McClure's > — usually used with up < think their talent will flower magically if they are wised up to a few tricks of the trade — Jan Peerce > intransitive verb < you can wise up on details … by reading a booklet — Kiplinger Washington Letter > < people are wising up … to the fact that they have been deprived of a lot of good music — Wall Street Journal > VI. 1. chiefly Scotland a. b. < took me by the hand, and wised me to go back — John Galt > 2. chiefly Scotland < fish rushed … before him, as he quietly wised them shoreward — J.K.Hunter > |
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