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cat·a·log I. noun or cat·a·logue \ˈkad.əlˌȯg, -atəl-, -äg\ (-s) Etymology: Middle English cateloge, from Middle French catalogue, from Late Latin catalogus, from Greek katalogos list, from katalegein to list, enumerate, from kata- cata- + legein to gather, speak — more at legend 1. a. : a detailed enumeration : list, register < the narrative is broken by a catalog of kings > < it does not pretend to be a catalog of past achievements — Mortimer Graves > b. : a group of similar or related things often standing or succeeding in order : series < began to recapitulate items in the catalog of his escapades — H.G.Wells > < gave little support to the long-believed catalog of disorderly and brutal private crimes — F.L.Paxson > 2. a. : a complete enumeration of items (as of books for sale or courses of instruction in a college) arranged systematically in a pamphlet or a book often alphabetically and with descriptive details (as of price or content) accompanying each item — see card catalog b. : a pamphlet or book that contains such a list often with other related matter < a mail-order catalog > < a catalog of secondhand books > < a college catalog > < a museum catalog > c. : the material in such a list (as the works of a composer or author) < his catalog of more than 300 numbers in active use today includes overtures, operatic selections, solos — Baton > 3. : the price quoted for a particular article in a stamp or coin catalog < that stamp sold under catalog > < this coin has a high catalog > II. verb or catalogue \“\ (cataloged or catalogued ; cataloged or catalogued ; catalog·ing or catalogu·ing ; catalogs or catalogues) transitive verb 1. : to make a catalog of < catalog a collection of books > < catalog items for sale at auction > 2. : to enter the name of or appropriate information about in a catalog; especially : to describe the physical format of and classify (books or other library material) intransitive verb 1. : to make or work on a catalog 2. : to become listed in a stamp or coin catalog at a specified price < this stamp catalogs at two dollars > |