释义 |
night·in·gale \ˈnī]tənˌgāl, ]d.ə̇nˌ-, ]tə̇nˌ- sometimes ]d.iŋˌg- or ]d.ēŋˌg- or ]ti- or ]tē-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English nihtegale, nightingale, from Old English nihtegale, from niht night + -gale (from galan to sing); akin to Old Saxon nahtigala nightingale, Middle Dutch nachtegale, Old High German nahtagala — more at night, yell 1. : any of several Old World thrushes of the genus Luscinia: as a. : a thrush (L. megarhyncha) common in Great Britain that is about six inches long and russet brown above with the rump and tail lighter and the under parts whitish and that is noted for the sweet song of the male often heard at night during the breeding season b. : a similar but larger thrush (L. luscinia) of eastern Europe 2. : any of various birds that sing at night