

单词 wild
释义 wild
I. \ˈwīld, esp before pause or consonant ˈwīəld\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English wilde, from Old English; akin to Old High German wildi wild, Old Norse villr wild, gone astray, bewildered, Gothic wiltheis wild, Welsh gwyllt, Cornish guyls
  (1) : living in a state of nature : inhabiting natural haunts (as the forest or open field) : not tamed or domesticated
   < a wild ox >
   < wild duck >
  (2) : being one of a kind not ordinarily subjected to domestication
   < the tame wild goose finally flew away >
   — compare feral
  (3) : shy 1a
  (1) : growing or produced without the aid and care of man : not cultivated : brought forth by unassisted nature or by animals not domesticated : native
   < wild furs >
   < the closest wild relative of cultivated corn — P.C.Mangelsdorf >
   < wild honey >
  (2) : related to or resembling a corresponding cultivated or domesticated organism — used in vernacular names of plants and animals; see wild oat, wild onion
 c. : not living near or associated with man — used especially of a mosquito that does not breed near human habitations in distinction from one that habitually does so
 d. : of or belonging to organisms in a state of nature : typical of undomesticated animals or uncultivated plants
  < the wild state >
  < wild nature >
 a. : not inhabited or cultivated
  < the only profit in wild land was to clear and plant it with one's own hands or to sell it — American Guide Series: New York >
 b. : not being or appearing amenable to human habitation or cultivation : rough, waste, desolate
  < becomes much wilder as the trees give place to bare granite crags — S.P.B.Mais >
  (1) : not subjected to restraint or regulation : uncontrolled, inordinate, ungoverned
   < mobs are wild, unpredictable, vicious, and insanely cruel when aroused — P.I.Wellman >
   < the wild frenzy of religious camp meetings — J.T.Adams >
   < a piano played with a wild exuberance — Louis Bromfield >
  (2) : abandoned to or overcome by passion, desire, or emotion
   < the frenzied old man, wild with hatred and insane with baffled desire — W.M.Thackeray >
   < wild with grief >
  also : passionately eager, enthusiastic, desirous, or angry
   < he was wild to own a toy train — J.C.Furnas >
   < his sponsors … are wild about him as a salesman — Howard Taubman >
   < boys wild for the venture — Marjory S. Douglas >
   < straining and wild to take to the air — Kay Boyle >
   < was wild at people talking, and upsetting him — Sheila Kaye-Smith >
  (3) : not amenable to control, restraint, or domestication : unruly, ungovernable, reckless
   < bars and bowling alleys full of wild youths breezily and brutally telling each other off — Robert Lowry >
   < a rabble of wild country lads — W.B.Yeats >
   < the zebra is too wild to be used as a draft animal >
   < a wild mop of hair — Irwin Shaw >
  (4) of a ship : hard to steer or tending to yaw from the course
  (5) : not capped : not brought into controlled or regulated production — used of an oil or gas well
 b. : marked by turbulent violent agitation : rough, tempestuous, stormy
  < the sea against the west coast was wild with storm — Ernesta D. Barlow >
  < it's a wild night … to be out in the rain — J.M.Synge >
 c. : licentious, dissolute
 d. : exceeding normal or conventional bounds in thought, design, conception, execution, or nature : extravagant, fantastic, visionary
  < overmatched in lush, easy wealth the wildest dreams of fantasy — T.H.White b. 1915 >
  < remonstrating against the wild project — H.E.Scudder >
  < wild beliefs about the origin of these fishes — J.L.B.Smith >
  < the wildest complexity ever added to the steam engine — George Zabriskie >
  < a wild array of bathhouses, dance halls, freak shows, fun houses — American Guide Series: New York City >
  < a necktie of wild colors and pattern >
  (1) : become destructive or ferocious through escape from normal restraints
   < wild cells forming a tumor >
   < a dog gone wild >
  (2) : escaped from or beyond human control
   < the brakes gave out and … not even a fool would ride a wild truck … with an overload of logs — Hugh Fosburgh >
   — compare wildfire
  (1) : characteristic or indicative of strong or overwhelming passion, desire, or emotion
   < looked at me with a wild stare of agony — Walter O'Meara >
   < a wild gleam of delight in his eyes — Irish Digest >
   < taken his wild words in earnest — George Meredith >
  (2) : characterized or marked by the presence or activity of unruly, intemperate, abandoned, or impassioned persons
   < a wild 5-hour street battle — Current History >
   < a wild, frontier town — American Guide Series: Texas >
   < found dead on a beach, apparently following a wild party — M.S.Forbes >
 a. : not acculturated to an advanced civilization : rude, uncivilized, barbaric
  < wild natives >
  < wild practices >
 b. : not yielding to a governmental authority : savage, intractable, rebellious
  < wild border tribes >
 c. : resembling a barbarian or a wild animal : brutalized
  < dirty, wild, and degraded as only the worst slaves of antiquity had been — Lewis Mumford >
5. : characteristic of, appropriate to, or expressive of wilderness, wildlife, or people in a simple or uncivilized society or environment
 < wild and rugged grandeur — Elinor Wylie >
 < wild love of freedom — Meridel Le Sueur >
 < in the brush a soft persuasive cooing … subtle and wild and unobtrusive — John Burroughs >
 a. : deviating from a natural or expected course, goal, or practice : acting, appearing, or being manifested in an unexpected, undesired, or unpredictable manner : random, erratic
  < impulsive grammar and wild spelling — C.W.Cunnington >
  < giving a wild guess, I suggested that the model was one twelfth the size of the ordinary chair — S.P.B.Mais >
  < wild price fluctuations — W.R.Langdon >
  < swing across traffic in a wild circle — Green Peyton >
 b. : not accounted for by known theories
  < afterimages … although perhaps not strictly hallucinations might be alleged as wild sense-data — R.J.Hirst >
7. : great in extent, size, quantity, or intensity : extreme, prodigious
 < wild and precarious leaps — D.L.Busk >
 < a wild headache that did not leave her for days — Louis Bromfield >
 < the world's wildest religious fanatics — Isaac Deutscher >
8. of a playing card : having a denomination determined by the will of the holder — compare deuces wild, joker
9. of paper : loose and irregular in formation so as to appear mottled when looked through — contrasted with well-closed
II. noun
1. : a region or tract that is sparsely inhabited or uncultivated : wilderness
 < the ruthless life of the wild — James Stevenson-Hamilton >
 < settlers had to cross this Indian-infested wildAmerican Guide Series: Texas >
 < living in the wilds of Africa hunting crocodiles — Publisher's Weekly >
2. : a wild, free, or natural life or existence
 < corn in the wild may well have been a plant with low survival value — P.C.Mangelsdorf >
III. adverb
1. : wildly
 < wild shy about seeing any of her own people — Mary Deasy >
2. : without regulation or control : uncontrolledly
 < given over to violence, society is an engine running wild — F.H.Giddings >




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