释义 |
nau·sea \ˈnȯ]shə, ]zēə, ]sēə, ]zhə sometimes ]zyə, ]syə, ]shēə, ]zhēə\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin, literally, seasickness, from Greek nausia, nautia nausea, seasickness, from naus ship — more at nave 1. a. : a sensation of discomfort in the region of the stomach usually associated with an urge to retch or vomit b. : a feeling of distress associated with loathing of food and sometimes aroused by the sight of food 2. : extreme disgust : loathing < the victory of his party … is considerably more the product of nausea with the present situation — P.B.Rice > 3. : a state of revulsion accompanying the frightening awareness of one's inescapable freedom as an individual human self |