

单词 dip
释义 dip
I. \ˈdip\ verb
(dipped also archaic dipt ; dipped also archaic dipt ; dipping ; dips)
Etymology: Middle English dippen, from Old English dyppan; akin to Low German düppen to wash, Old High German tupfen to wash, Old Irish domain deep, Lithuanian dubus deep, hollow
transitive verb
 a. : to thrust, plunge, or slip momentarily or partially under the surface of a liquid or an adhesive substance so as to moisten, drench, cool, color, or coat : immerse, souse, duck
  < ate clams dipping each in melted butter >
  < dipped my arms and face in the water trough >
  < the small parts are dipped in a primer paint — John Kobler >
 b. : to alter or move in a way to suggest immersion or the effect of immersion in a liquid
  < you have constantly to dip your hand in your pocket >
 a. archaic : to immerse in baptizing
 b. obsolete : to wet as if by immersing
  < a cold shuddering dew dips me all over — John Milton >
 a. : to color by dipping (as in a dye)
 b. : to make (a candle) by repeated immersion of a wick in melted fat or wax
 c. : to immerse (as a sheep or hog) in an antiseptic or parasiticidal solution (as for the cure of the itch)
 d. : to rub (snuff) on the teeth and gums with a brush or stick
 e. : to immerse (candies) for the purpose of coating
4. : to lift a portion of by reaching below the surface with an open utensil or something shaped to hold liquid : ladle
 < the cook dipped our soup from the kettle >
 < men who dip ore out of freighters with an electric shovel >
5. Britain
 a. archaic : involve, implicate
  < dipt in the rebellion — John Dryden >
 b. : mortgage
 c. : to involve in financial difficulty
  < she was dipped as badly as her father — John Galsworthy >
 a. : to lower and then raise again
  < put the helm alee and dip the sail >
 b. : to haul (an ensign) part way down and then raise again in salute
  < merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag >
 c. : to swing (a signal flag) from vertical to somewhat below horizontal and then back to vertical
 d. : to lower or cause to drop down somewhat and usually temporarily
  < he had to dip his head to enter the cave >
  < dipping his chin into his muffler >
 e. chiefly Britain : to dim or lower the beam of (automobile headlights)
intransitive verb
 a. : to immerse oneself : plunge into a liquid and quickly emerge
  < the ship's bow dipped gently into the wave >
  < the sound of oars dipping rhythmically >
  < after the rain the ruts dipped in and out of the puddles — Helen B. Woodward >
  < the whale dipped playfully under the waves >
 b. : to immerse something into a processing liquid or finishing material
  < waterproofing the surface of bisque ware is done in the dipping house >
 a. : to descend rather sharply : drop a slight distance
  < the sun dipped at that moment below the horizon >
  < in Michigan three small tornadoes dipped to the ground, leveling barns — Seth King >
  < I saw purple martins pairing, dipping, and swooping — E.A.Weeks >
  < that the familiar prose dips into the ordinary — E.T.Williams >
 b. : to make an abrupt slight downward movement
  < we would one day enter to look round, dip over the hill, and push the gate to the locked garden — G.W.Stonier >
  < fine brows dipping down with annoyance — Harriet La Barre >
 also : to bring about a lowering of something
  < salutes of the ensign are made by dipping — H.A.Calahan >
  (1) of an ensign : to become dipped
   < regimental colors do dip in salute — Elbridge Colby >
  (2) of a ship : to dip its ensign
 d. : to extend downward or below the surface
  < branches that dip in the water >
 e. of a plane : to drop suddenly before climbing
 f. : to veer sharply
  < the road follows the irregular shoreline and dips back occasionally into the wooded hill country — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 g. : to perform a dip in dancing
 h. : to perform the gymnastic exercise constituting a dip
 i. : to decline moderately and usually temporarily
  < prices dipped to a lower level before recovering >
  < commodity markets dipped but losses were not extensive — Wall Street Journal >
 a. : to reach down inside or below a surface especially for the purpose of withdrawing a part of the contents
  < he dipped into the pocket and drew out a mixed collection — Dorothy Sayers >
  < one crane dipped five decks deep into No. 2 hold where the cars were carried — Vernon Pizer >
 b. : to appropriate a portion of some intangible
  < that she had dipped in the wells of blissful oblivion — George Meredith >
  < not aware that in unjust suspicion a man dips into himself for the colors he is painting — Francis Hackett >
 c. : to make an inroad for funds — used with into
  < temptation of dipping into the public treasury to please constituents — Herbert Koshetz >
 d. : to dip snuff
 a. : to make a slight or cursory subjective excursion : delve casually, aimlessly, or tentatively here and there — usually used with into
  < having dipped into the past we turn to the present >
  < the novel digressing here dips into a bit of maudlin sentimentality >
  < I dipped into philosophy >
 b. : to read by sampling random disconnected passages or in the manner of browsing
  < an ideal volume for dipping — B.R.Redman >
  — usually used with into; distinguished from skim
  < it is a better book to dip into than to read from cover to cover — Jane G. Mahler >
 c. : to explore or sample briefly or tentatively
  < warily dipping into the possibilities of clairvoyance and telepathy >
5. : to incline downward : have a downward slant
 < his landing lights dipped into the blackness and then dipped more steeply — Ira Wolfert >
 a. : to tilt or slope downward from the horizontal
  < at this point in the trail land began to dip the other way >
  < a forested cliff dips steeply to the shore >
 b. geology : to incline downward from the plane of the horizon
  < underlying the area are sedimentary rocks dipping gently eastward — M.A.Clement >
  < frequently, however, coal seams dip steeply — H.R.Cox >
 c. : to tip downward
  < the magnetic needle dips in the direction of the earth's magnetism >
 d. : to take a course downgrade : have a downward pitch
  < the narrow highway dips and ascends like a crazy roller coaster — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
6. : to engage in reaching down and lifting out something from a liquid
 < the whey that separates from the curd before dipping >
 < dipping on the turpentine plantation begins about April first >
7. archaic : dib
 dip, immerse, submerge, duck, souse, and dunk may mean to plunge a thing into water or other liquid or may apply to any figurative action suggesting this. dip implies a momentary or partial plunging or a cursory or short-lived looking or entering into (as into a subject)
  < dip a finger in water >
  < dip a collar in starch >
  < dip into archaeology >
  < to dip into a doorway for a moment >
  immerse implies a total covering with liquid or a total engrossing or engaging (as in a study)
  < immerse the clothes in a solution of dye >
  < become immersed in the study of history >
  submerge implies total and often prolonged immersion or a sinking to a low level, grade, or status
  < a barren, low-lying plain often partially submerged by the Mississippi — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  < a boat submerged in four feet of water >
  < personality has been submerged by organization on all sides — W.P.Webb >
  < the older agrarian simplicity of New England was being submerged by the industrial revolution — V.L.Parrington >
  < the submerged lower classes >
  duck implies a sudden plunging and withdrawal
  < duck your head under water >
  < while he ducks into the doctor's office and back out again — Advertising Age >
  < duck under a low doorway >
  souse stresses a thorough soaking or can apply, figuratively, to any kind of saturating and, popularly, to intoxication
  < she soused her hands in disinfectant before she touched him — New Yorker >
  < after being soused in the Atlantic ocean — T.B.Aldrich >
  < they ought to have soused the conscience in repentance or good resolutions — Times Literary Supplement >
  < he hurries to souse himself in cheap red wine — Time >
  dunk applies to the dipping and soaking of something (as a doughnut) in a beverage; in extension, it is similar to dip, duck, or immerse
  < dunk toast in her tea >
  < men dangling from lines, being dunked in the cold sea as the ship rolled — P.B.Cronk >

- dip one's fingers into
II. noun
1. : an act of dipping: as
 a. : a brief immersion
  < gaining a little with every dip of the oars >
  < an earthenware cup ready for a dip in the glaze tub >
 specifically : a plunge into the water for sport or exercise
  < guests lingered on the beach, gossiping … and taking dips — Alec Waugh >
  < either take dips in little side eddies or hug the banks and wade in timidly — John Mason Brown >
 b. : a casual or experimental delving into a book or subject
  < dips into heraldry >
 also : a transient experimental or tentative excursion
  < his early dip into politics >
  < it is a Victorian-type novel, loosely constructed, with dips into sentimentality — Ruth Suckow >
 c. archaic : curtsy
 d. : a reaching down into for withdrawing a portion
  < a dip in the punch bowl >
  < a dip into the president's emergency fund >
 e. : a lowering in position
  < a flag salute is one dip of the ensign — C.D.Lane >
  < a dip of a wigwag signal flag to the right indicates a dot >
 f. : a moderate decrease
  < a 3 percent dip in the claims for unemployment compensation >
  < how to account for dips in his popularity >
  < tonight's forecast is for a dip to 33° >
 specifically : a moderate and usually temporary decline (as in prices or revenue)
  < predictions of a business dip >
  < a sharper-than-seasonal production dip >
 g. : a gymnastics exercise on the end of the parallel bars in which the performer, resting on his hands, lets his arms bend until his chin is level with the bars and then raises himself by straightening his arms
  (1) : a ballroom step in which the dancer bends one knee slightly and extends the other leg forward or backward
  (2) : a square-dance step in which the dancer bends forward and passes under an arch
2. : inclination downward:
 a. : downward slope, turn, or sag : divergence downward from the horizontal : pitch
  < the dip of the lines from ship to pier >
 also : decline from a level (as of performance)
  < her graph of accomplishment was destined for a downward dipSaturday Review >
 b. : a sharp downward course or tilting
  < a sudden dip and rise out of a dingle — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
  < plotting the dip of the indicator of a pressure gauge >
 c. : the angle that a stratum, sheet, vein, fissure, fault, or similar geological feature makes with a horizontal plane as measured in a plane normal to the strike
 d. : position of an ensign hoisted part way to the yardarm or other point of hoist
  < on the order “fox at the dip” the code flag for the letter f was hoisted two thirds of the way >
 e. : an abrupt but curved lowering of the belly of an archery bow on each side of the handle
 a. : the vertical angle contained between the sensible horizon and a line to the visible horizon at sea, the latter because of the convexity of the earth's surface and the elevation of the observer being below the former
 b. : the angle formed with the horizon by a magnetic needle free to rotate in the vertical plane of the magnetic meridian that is 0° at the magnetic equator and 90° at the magnetic poles — called also inclination
4. : depth of submergence (as of a ship, oar, paddle wheel)
 a. : a low spot with rather steeply sloping sides; especially : a hollow among hills or a gap in a ridge
 b. : a pronounced depression in a surface or path
  < the dip that was destined to be the bed of Lake Superior — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 specifically : a sharp depression in a highway at the point of crossing of a dry stream bed found chiefly in the western states
6. : something obtained by or used in dipping:
 a. : a candle made by repeated dippings of a wick in a fat or wax
 b. : a stick or frayed twig dampened and used for dipping tobacco snuff
  < with a snuff dip in her mouth >
 c. : a portion dipped at one time
  < writing steadily, one dip of ink after another >
  < a double dip of ice cream >
 specifically : as much snuff as clings to a dip at one dipping
 d. : the viscid exudation constituting crude turpentine dipped from incisions in certain pine trees — compare scrape 5
7. : a liquid or semiliquid flavoring or savory sauce into which solid food is dipped or which is served especially on a dessert or on pie
 < whip up chive cream cheese into a dip for potato chips >
 < a dip of sweetened cream on cobbler >
 a. : a liquid preparation into which objects may be dipped or immersed (as for cleansing, coloring, staining, or coating)
  < a varnish dip serves to bind the whole unit together — Purchasing News >
 specifically : an insecticide or parasiticide for use in a dipping tank
 b. : a vat or tank in which such a dip is used
  < a U-shaped sheep dip with a 30-foot swim >
 c. : a moistening and flavoring solution through which some tobaccos are drawn
9. slang : pickpocket
10. : diphead
11. slang : a man's hat
12. : a receptacle from which the contents may be dipped
 < individual salt dips >
13. Britain : a small opening covered by a hinged flap in the floorboards of a theatrical stage for plugging leads into electric cables underneath
III. \ˈdip\ noun
Etymology: back-formation from dippy
: a stupid or unsophisticated person




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