

单词 western
释义 west·ern
I. \ˈwestə(r)n, -R also -tən\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English westeren, westerne, from Old English westerne; akin to Old High German westrōni western, Old Norse vestrœnn, derivative from the root of English west (I)
1. often capitalized : of, relating to, originating or dwelling in, or characteristic of a region conventionally designated West: as
 a. : steeped in or stemming from the Greco-Roman traditions of the Occident rather than those of Islam, India, or the Far East
  < the Western tradition began to take distinctive shape with the mingling of Greco-Roman and Hebraic-Christian elements in the later days of the Roman Empire — J.A.Corry >
  < in the nineteenth century, the adoption of … superior Western technology appeared to Far Eastern statesmen to be a legitimate risk as well as an imperative necessity — A.J.Toynbee >
  < barriers, between a western eye and the beauty of a Chinese vase — J.A.Macy >
 b. : of or relating to the noncommunist countries of Europe and America
  < western emphasis on individualism >
  < American tendency to consult with the Western powers on what is good for Asia, instead of first consulting with the Asian nations themselves — Mochtar Lubis >
  (1) : of or relating to the American West
   < western settlers >
   < western plains >
   < western cattle ranches >
   < the western grosbeak closely resembles the rose-breasted grosbeak except in plumage >
  (2) : of or relating to folk music characteristic of the American West
   < favorite hillbilly — or, if you prefer, western — crooner — Ochiltree (Texas) County Herald >
  (3) : of or relating to a literary western
   < resorts to every typical Western element: the fugitive bandit, the sheriff in pursuit, the girl, the gun play, and the great outdoors — Delmore Schwartz >
 a. : situated in or lying toward the west
  < around the western and southern sides of the track are grandstands — American Guide Series: Ind. >
  < islands in the western half of the archipelago >
 b. : coming from the west — used chiefly of the wind
  < a western gale >
  (1) : going toward or facing the west
   < the western voyage of Columbus >
   < a room with a western exposure >
  (2) : corresponding to the westering course of the sun : declining
   < we … on the western side of life — H.W.Longfellow >
3. usually capitalized : of or relating to the Roman Catholic and Protestant segment of Christianity
 < Western liturgies >
— compare eastern orthodox
II. noun
1. often capitalized : westerner
 a. : one that is produced in or characteristic of a western region and especially the western U.S.
  < ewes in this experiment were two-year-old westerns — W.C.Coffey >
  < in felt hats ranchers prefer broad-brimmed westerns >
 b. : general american
 c. : western sandwich
3. often capitalized : a story of frontier life
 < historical novels also rank high, and so do murder mysteries and Westerns — Bruce Bliven b. 1889 >
 < a traditional Western in a novel Australian setting — Films in Review >
specifically : a play (as a moving picture or a radio or television play) dealing usually with life in the western United States during the latter half of the 19th century
 < rattling good western about the first cattle drive over the Chisholm Trail — Time >
 < westerns, those simple … sagas of manly men and womanly women — Virginia Graham >




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