

单词 weed
释义 weed
I. \ˈwēd\ noun
Etymology: Middle English wed, weed, from Old English wēod herb, grass, weed; akin to Old Saxon wiod weed, Middle Dutch wiet, Old High German wiota fern
  (1) : an introduced plant growing in ground that is or has been in cultivation usually to the detriment of the crop or to the disfigurement of the place : an economically useless plant : a plant of unsightly appearance; especially : one of wild or rank growth
  (2) : a tree or shrub of low economic value that tends to grow freely and by its presence to exclude or retard more valuable plants
   < gray birch is a common weed species in much of New England >
  (3) : a form of vegetable life of exuberant growth and injurious effect (as various molds or bacteria frequently contaminating cultures)
  (4) : a forb in rangeland
 b. : wild growth usually in the nature of rank grass or undergrowth
  < the land must be cleared of weed — Emil Lengyel >
2. : a marine or freshwater plant : seaweed
3. : an obnoxious growth, thing, or person
 < militarism is a tough weed to kill — F.S.Oliver >
 a. : tobacco; especially : tobacco prepared for use (as a cigar or cigarette)
  < made the students promise to shun both weed and wine — Time >
 b. slang : marijuana
 a. : something of little value; specifically : an animal of poor conformation, lacking in stamina, and unfit to breed from
 b. : an animal that is detrimental especially in preoccupying habitats that might otherwise harbor more desirable forms
  < carp forms one of the worst weed species in some areas >
  or in damaging the habitat value of the land on which they live
  < uncontrolled deer herds may become serious weeds >
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English weden, from Old English wēodian; akin to Old Saxon wiodōn to weed, Middle Dutch wieden, Old English wēod weed
intransitive verb
: to remove weeds or something harmful
transitive verb
 a. : to free from noxious plants : clear of weeds
  < weed a garden >
  (1) : to free from something that is hurtful or offensive
  (2) : to diminish by removing the less desirable portions of : cull
   < before beginning to classify and catalog an old library, weed the collection — Susan Akers >
   < weed a stable of horses >
 a. : to remove on account of being a weed
  < weed crabgrass from the lawn >
 b. : to remove on account of being harmful or superfluous : get rid of — often used with out
  < weed out impractical schemes not worth further appraisal — R.P.Cooke >
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English wede, from Old English wǣd, gewǣde; akin to Old Saxon wād, giwādi clothing, Old High German wāt, giwāti, Old Norse vāth cloth, clothing, Lithuanian austi to weave
 a. : an article of clothing : garment; especially : one that is indicative of a person's occupation, situation, or position — often used in plural
 b. : something that resembles an outer garment : flesh
2. : an article or style of dress usually black worn as a sign of mourning: as
 a. : a widow's black veils — usually used in plural
  < she had abandoned the cocoon of crape but still wore weeds — Arnold Bennett >
 b. : a band of crape or heavy black cloth worn on a man's hat as a sign of mourning — usually used in plural
  < a coachman and a footman both with weeds on their hats — Kate D. Wiggin >
IV. noun
Etymology: by shortening from obsolete Scots wedenonfa' ague, literally, attack of madness, from Old English wēde, wēden- mad, frenzied + Scots onfa' attack, from Middle English onfall, from Old English onfeall, from on + feall fall; akin to Old English wōd mad — more at wood, on, fall
1. : a sudden illness or relapse often attended with fever
 a. : lymphangitis in the horse accompanied by fever and marked by swelling of the legs
 b. : mastitis especially of sheep




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