

单词 call
释义 call
I. \ˈkȯl\ verb
Etymology: Middle English callen, probably from Old Norse kalla; akin to Old English hildecalla battle herald, Old High German kallōn to talk loudly, Middle Irish gall swan, Old Slavic glasŭ voice
intransitive verb
 a. : to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance especially in order to attract the attention of, summon, or make a request of another : cry, shout
  < call for help >
 b. : to make a request, appeal, or demand
  < call upon all nations to keep the peace >
  < he called for an investigation of the facts >
 c. of an animal : to utter a characteristic note or cry
  < the thrush calls >
 d. : to communicate with or try to get into communication with a person by telephone — often used with up
 e. card games
  (1) : to make a demand (as by requesting or signaling for a particular card or suit to be played)
  (2) bridge : to make a declaration (sense 4)
  (3) poker : to make one's total bet equal to that of the last preceding bettor
 f. : to give the calls for a square dance — often used with off
2. Scotland : to become driven : drive — usually used in the form ca'; compare ca' canny
3. : to make a brief stop or visit at a place
 < call to pay your respects >
 < only one ship a year calls at the island >
— often used with on
 < a salesman calling on his customers >
transitive verb
  (1) : to utter in a loud distinct voice : shout, cry — often used with out
   < call out a number >
  (2) : to announce or read out loudly or authoritatively
   < call the roll >
   < call a halt >
   — often used with off
   < call off a row of figures >
  (1) : to command or request (as by an utterance) to come or be present
   < I can call spirits from the vasty deep — Shakespeare >
   : summon
   < called to testify in court >
   < call off the dogs >
  (2) : to cause to come : bring
   < call a new principle into operation >
   < call to mind the words of his brother >
  (1) : to summon to a particular activity, employment, or office
   < called to the presidency of the university >
   < called to active duty in the army >
  (2) : to move or impel (as by divine influence) to a particular condition or activity
   < America is called to greatness — A.E.Stevenson b.1900 >
  (3) : to summon (a Jewish male) to read a benediction or a set portion of the Torah before the congregation at public worship in the synagogue
 d. : to invite or command (a group) to meet : convoke
  < call a meeting >
 e. : to rouse from sleep or summon to get up by a call
 f. : to give the order for : bring into action
  < call a case in court >
  < call a strike >
  (1) bridge : to make a demand for (a particular card or suit to be played)
  (2) poker : to make one's total bet equal to (the preceding bet) or equal to the bet of (the preceding bettor)
  (3) : to challenge (a person) to make good on a statement
   < if he is not telling the truth someone should call him >
  (4) : to charge with or censure for an offense — often used with on
   < they called him on his sloppy dress >
 h. : to decoy (game) by imitating the characteristic cry
 i. : to halt (a baseball game or other public event) because of unsuitable conditions (as rain or darkness)
 j. : to rule on the status of (as a played ball or a player's action)
  < call a tennis serve out >
  < call a base runner safe >
 k. : to give the calls for (a square dance or a square-dance figure) — often used with off
  (1) : to communicate with or try to get in communication with (a person) by telephone — sometimes used with up
   < call me up tomorrow >
  (2) : to deliver (a message) by telephone
  (3) : to make a signal to (an addressee as by transmitting his call sign) to indicate the desire to transmit a message — often used with up
   < call up the flagship >
   — compare CQ
 m. : to suspend (playing time)
  < time was called while the field was cleared >
 n. cricket
  (1) : to inform (one's fellow batsman) that it is safe to run
  (2) : to inform (a bowler) that a delivery is unfair — used of an umpire
  (1) : to demand payment of especially by formal notice
   < directors called an assessment of 10 percent >
  (2) : to demand presentation of (an issue of bonds) for redemption and payment
   < the bonds could be called 10 years after issue >
 a. : to speak of or address by a specified name
  < they call her Kitty >
  : give a name to : name
  < forces … which Empedocles calls love and hate — Arnold Toynbee >
  (1) : to give a descriptive name to
   < the actual price at which any commodity is commonly sold is called its market price — Adam Smith >
   : regard as or characterize as of a certain kind : describe as : consider
   < you don't call this keeping what belongs to you — Lillian Hellman >
   < a world where nothing can be called unknowable — W.R.Inge >
  (2) : estimate : reckon to be
   < how far would you call it to town >
   : consider for purposes of an estimate or for convenience
   < 99 cents, call it an even dollar >
 c. dialect England : scold, revile
 d. dialect : to announce or publish as an official notice of intention
  < when our names have been called in church we can be married >
 e. South & Midland : mention, speak
  < called the loved name >
  < carefully refrained from calling his name — Ellen Glasgow >
 f. : to describe correctly in advance of or without knowledge of the event
  < he called the upward trend of the market in February >
  : name or describe in advance : predict, guess
  < call the toss of a coin wrongly >
3. usually ca' \ˈkȯ\ chiefly Scotland
 a. : drive
  < call an animal to market >
 b. : to drive into place : knock, hammer
 c. : propel, run
  < call some machinery >
  : use
  < call an instrument >
4. : to pay a brief visit to
 < I'll call you at your house — Shakespeare >

- call a spade a spade
- call cousin
- call for
- call in question
- call it a day
- call it quits
- call names
- call on
- call one's bluff
- call one's shot
- call the shots
- call the tune
- call the turn
- call to account
- call to order
- call to the bar
- call to the colors
- call upon
- call within the bar
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from callen, v.
 a. : a loud vocal utterance (as in addressing or summoning) : shout, cry
  < a call for help >
 b. : an imitation of the cry of a bird or other animal made to decoy it
 c. obsolete : a decoy bird
 d. : an instrument (as a whistle or pipe) used for calling
  < a boatswain's call >
  < a duck call >
 e. : the cry of a bird or other animal
 a. : a request or command to come or to assemble : summons, invitation
  < the council met at the call of the president >
 b. : a summons or signal especially on a drum, bugle, or pipe
  < bugle calls were heard in the distance >
  — compare hunt's-up, reveille
 c. : admission to the bar as a barrister
  (1) : an invitation to become the minister of a church; also : the official written form of such an invitation usually signed by members of the congregation
  (2) : an invitation to accept a professional appointment
   < he accepted a call to the state university >
  (1) : a divine vocation or prompting to a special service or duty
  (2) : a strong inner prompting to undertake a particular course of action or to enter a particular type of vocation
 f. : a summons, invitation, or appeal to undertake a particular course of action
  < a call for the restoration of spiritual values >
 g. : a summoning (as by a posted notice) of actors to rehearsal or members of a film unit to a rehearsal or a take
  < the call is for 11 o'clock >
 also : rehearsal
 h. : a signal summoning firemen and apparatus into action
  < a fire call >
  < a drill call >
 also : the response of men and equipment to such a call
 i. : the attraction or appeal of a particular activity, condition, or place
  < islanders feel strongly the call of the sea >
 j. : an announcement issued by the national committee of a political party concerning a nominating convention to be held, its date and place, and the rules governing the choosing and apportionment of delegates to it
 k. : call of nature
 l. : an order specifying the number of men to be inducted into the armed services during a specified period
  < the November call is for 10,000 men >
 m. : an order left at a hotel desk setting a specified hour for being wakened
  < leave a call for 7:30 >
 a. : demand, requirement
  < maintaining order makes the greatest call on his energies >
  : claim
  < the aircraft industry continues to have first call on aluminum production — Americana Annual >
 b. : necessity, obligation, occasion, justification
  < there is no call for the federal government to apologize for the views of a private citizen — J.L.Teller >
 c. : a demand for payment of money: as
  (1) : a notice by the United States Treasury to depository banks to transfer a part of its deposit balance to the Federal Reserve bank
  (2) : a notice to a stockholder or subscriber to pay an assessment or an installment of subscription to capital
 d. : an option to buy a certain amount of stock, grain, or other commodity at a fixed price at or within a certain time — compare put II 3
 e. : an instance of asking for something : request
  < the library has many calls for Christmas stories >
4. obsolete : calling 4
5. : a roll call (as to discover absentees or to take the ayes and noes)
 < the speaker ordered a call of the house >
6. : a short usually formal visit
 < pay a call on a neighbor >
: a brief stop in passing (as to conduct business or make a delivery)
 < a salesman making his calls >
7. : the name or thing called or indicated by calling
 < his call was heads; mine was tails >
8. : the act or an instance of calling in a card game
9. : a reference in a land survey or grant to an object, a measurement, or other descriptive detail requiring a corresponding physical detail on the land
10. : the act or an instance of calling on the telephone
 a. : call sign
 b. : a signal (as a letter or combination of letters) sent by a caller to inform an addressee that the caller has a message to transmit to him — compare CQ
12. : the solo or recitative part of a folk song or rhyme; especially : the stanza answered by the refrain
 < the standard West African song pattern of call and response, by a leader and chorus — Roger Angell >
13. : the score at any given time while a tennis game is in progress
 < what's the call, please >
14. : a direction or a succession of directions for the next movement or figure of a square dance chanted or rhythmically called to the dancers by a caller
15. : a decision or ruling made by an official of a sports contest

- at call
- have the call
- within call
III. transitive verb
1. : to indicate and keep track of balls and strikes in (a baseball game)
2. : to manage (as a team's strategy during a game) by giving the signals or orders
 < the coach calls every play from the sidelines >
3. : to temporarily transfer control of computer processing to (as a subroutine or procedure)

- call on
IV. noun
1. : a temporary transfer of control of computer processing to a particular set of instructions (as a subroutine or procedure)
2. : decision
 < not an easy call for parents to make >




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