单词 | way |
释义 | way I. 1. a. < rough uneven ways — Shakespeare > < the garagemen across the way — William Faulkner > < expressways or limited access ways of the best modern type — S.J.Williams > < the Appian Way > b. c. < this door is the only way into the room > d. < permanent way > 2. < asked the way to the museum > < pupils will find their own way to school — Deerfield (Wisc.) Independent > < the way of a ship in the midst of the sea — Prov 30:19 (Authorized Version) > < in the streets the unfortunate foot traveler still picked his way through the muck — J.W.Krutch > < take a flashlight to light your way to the barn > < going your way and will be glad to give you a lift > 3. a. < cleared the way for a more purely rational interpretation of the world — M.F.A.Montagu > < smooth the way for statehood — Current Biography > < his entering upon the way of salvation — Catherine Rau > < point the way to the discovery of new facts — F.A.Geldard > b. (1) < my best way is to creep under his gaberdine — Shakespeare > < take the easy way out > (2) obsolete < it is our way, if we will keep in favor with the King, to be her men and wear her livery — Shakespeare > (3) < had made up his mind, and in the end he had his way — Ellen Glasgow > < for any one group to get its way — T.V.Smith > < gets the heroine alone in a bedroom and … has his way with her — Time > < time has its way with you — Vachel Lindsay > c. < no way but this — killing myself, to die upon a kiss — Shakespeare > < there were no two ways about it — this was the rudest, surliest, most ill-mannered town on the face of the earth — Hamilton Basso > 4. a. < win him over to our way of thinking — A.J.Ayer > < societies whose way of life seemed so different from that of our own people — Edward Sapir > < manipulate ideas in an original way — Vance Packard > < her way of doing her hair > < these two books, each admirable in its way — Geographical Journal > < one's character is defined by the way in which the rules are embodied in one's behavior — Margaret Mead > — often used as the principal word in an adverbial phrase with no preposition < the people who think this way — D.W.Brogan > < learn the full meaning of independence the hard way — Augusta Baker > — often used with and modified by an adjective clause containing no relative pronoun or other introductory word < insight into the way the mind actually works — C.I.Glicksberg > < that's the way things go > < so that's the way you do it > b. < people who can in no way be classed as criminals — D.W.Maurer & V.H.Vogel > or sometimes with no preposition < one student who is outstanding in scholarship, another who is outstanding in athletic ability, and a third who is outstanding both ways > c. < real estate, a field of activity which he had entered in a small way — T.H.Jack > < the United States entered the international investment market in a substantial way — Frank Parker > d. < he is very censorious, but then that is the way with reformed scoundrels > < as is the way with dreams, I took it to be a sort of personal and private message or communication — Walter de la Mare > e. < so attentive to other women that I have heard his wife ask him a dozen times not to be that way > < it's too bad we can't offer you a job, but that's just the way things are > < what everyone wants to know about the president is how he got this way — G.W.Martin > < they themselves are flabby and smug, but they want to stay that way — Time > < business has been good and we're doing everything we can to keep it that way — Item > < well, Your Honor, it was this way > 5. a. (1) < justify the ways of God to men — John Milton > < ignorant zealot though he was … he turned many from evil ways — H.E.Starr > < it was the white man's way to assert himself in any landscape, to change it — Willa Cather > < knew nothing of the ways of seafaring men — L.C.Douglas > < description of the ways of nesting gannets — E.A.Armstrong > (2) < that's just his way and you shouldn't let it bother you > < a good fellow when you get used to his ways > (3) < he has such a way with him that he makes lots of friends wherever he goes > < keen to show … what a way he had with him in this matter of tracking down seams — Gwyn Thomas > (4) < great actresses have a way of scoring some of their most resounding successes in plays which are far from great — Peter Forster > < what seems impossible has a way of suddenly coming to you — Denis Johnston > (5) < greatly captivated by the ways of his host's children > (6) < his way with women and his extravagant habits made him many friends and much trouble — W.P.Webb > < had a way with animals — Oden Meeker > < has always had a way with metals — Time > b. < thanks to their isolation these people go their own way in many things — Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington > < as the American way is made better known to the world — V.G.F.Reynolds > < came up against them in the way of business — Stuart Piggott > c. (1) < not in one great Oriental religion only, the Way became a symbol of man's onward struggle and upward striving, of a journey towards a state of personal goodness and individual happiness — E.R.Pike > < the way to Christ > (2) often capitalized < that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem — Acts 9:2 (Revised Standard Version) > 6. < a house a little way out of town — Calvin Kentfield > < let me go back a little way and give you some background to this basic premise of our foreign policy — Dean Acheson > < transcended but a little way the region of commonplace — Thomas Carlyle > < not as capable as his brother by a long way > < at a cost estimated all the way from one to two million dollars > < has come a long way in his knowledge of international geography — Gordon Walker > < this proposal should go a long way towards meeting another criticism — Economist > 7. a. < led the way into the heart of Chile's southern frontier — P.E.James > < led the way to unanimity — Beverly Smith > < held his way in spite of all obstacles > < forced his way through the crowd > < working his way through college > specifically < when he had his way still to make — Osbert Sitwell > b. < a white cat purring its way gracefully among the wine cups at a feast — Agnes Repplier > < barbarians who cough their way through concerts — Justina Hill > 8. < this delicious easy way of getting additional iron and calcium — advt > < a way to make a living — S.H.Adams > < ways of helping the aged to live out their declining years — A.W.Hummel > < the attack was made, not in the way of storm — T.B.Macaulay > — sometimes used as the principal word in an adverbial phrase with no preposition < thought he could win the game that way > 9. a. < is coming this way > < turn your head the other way > < shift his expectation one way or another — Margaret Mead > < the money was divided three ways > < with no glance … her way — Amy Lowell > < how its decision can go any other way — Commonweal > < either there is a valid contract or there is not; you cannot have it both ways > < an honest answer one way or the other — M.R.Cohen > < hard to make a very conclusive case either way — Bruce Payne > < sometimes a noun is derived from a verb and sometimes it is the other way around > b. < great explosions coming from Dunkirk way — P.W.Thompson > or by no directional word at all < had just rented a tidy-sized farm Shorwell way — J.B.Priestley > but most frequently by a directional adverb < the weather has been good out our way > < that little old college down Cambridge way — Jean Stafford > c. (1) < stroking the cat's fur the wrong way > (2) < cut cloth the way of the goods instead of on the bias > d. (1) < a four-way valve > (2) < a three-way switch > e. < a three-way discussion > 10. a. < if the people cannot depend upon the promises of their president they are in a bad way — J.P.Warburg > < been very ill this week … and though now in a way to be well, am like to be confined some days longer — Thomas Gray > < the state was in a fair way to get a new instrument of government — Nation > < would have put himself in a fair way of getting shot — Charles Dickens > < put him in the way of another chance — Hamilton Basso > < if anyone were in the way of getting information — F.Tennyson Jesse > b. Britain < she was quite in a way — Arnold Bennett > 11. a. < give way > < make way > b. < let me have way … to find this practice out — Shakespeare > c. < several one-family houses torn down to make way for an apartment house > 12. < intrigues with low women that fell in my way — Benjamin Franklin > 13. a. ways plural but sometimes singular in construction < the ways are either of yellow or pitch pine — A.C.Holms > < owned three steamboats … a marine ways, and several landing fleets — Frederick Way > < all American flag shipping, afloat or on the ways — New York Herald Tribune > — compare bilge ways, dogshore, ground ways, sliding ways b. ways plural c. < stainless steel weatherstripping … serves as sash way for both upper and lower sash — Sweet's Catalog Service > 14. < has little in the way of financial resources — L.M.Chamberlain > < everything you need in the way of vitamins — Gregor Felsen > < have picked up one or two gems in the antique way — H.J.Laski > < in way of compensation, he was allowed a pension — James Mill > 15. a. < a ship on starting gathers way > < when actually moving through the water, a vessel has way on her; if moving too fast she is said to have too much way on — Manual of Seamanship > b. < the pavement was on a slight incline, the perambulator had a little way on it, and the whole force of the wind behind — J.D.Beresford > 16. 17. 18. dialect Britain 19. usually capitalized < Red Ant Way > < Mountain Top Way > Synonyms: < railway > < highway > < the only other village was one day's mule trip farther into the interior, but the way was so steep and slippery in places that we walked almost as much as we rode — C.B.Hitchcock > < the water continues its way down the valley for 5 kilometers — N.R.Heiden > < the way was now open for the final act — W.C.Ford > route signifies a way, often circuitous, followed with regularity by a person or animal or laid out to be followed as by a tourist or army < a paper route > < a milk truck following a morning deliveryroute > < the dog team trails and canoe routes of a trader, trapper and missionary in the bush country — W.J.Granberg > < a much traveled main route from Boston to Albany > course is often interchangeable with route but more often implies a path followed by or as if by a stream, star, or other moving natural object impelled by or in a path determined by natural forces < the course of a river > < a meteor's course > < a ship's course > < the course of the seasons > or a predetermined or more or less compulsory way or route followed in human activities or enterprises < a course of study for an academic degree > < a golf course > < a racecourse > passage stresses a crossing over or a passing through, often designating the thing passed through, usually something narrow where transit might be restricted < a rough passage to America by boat > < a narrow passage from kitchen to basement > < restrict the passage into the stomach > pass usually designates a passage through or over something that presents an obstacle (as a mountain or river) < a narrow pass over the Alps > < a shallow ford constituted the only pass across the river > artery is applied to one of the great continuous traffic channels (as a great central rail route, river, or highway) from which branch off smaller or shorter channels < the Congo river would remain the main traffic artery — C.G.Weigend > < the main artery between Buffalo and Niagara Falls — Retailing Daily > < the need for improvement of main arteries interconnecting cities and for express highways in cities — Britannica Book of the Year > Synonym: see in addition method. • - all the way - by way of - each way - go out of one's way - go the way of - have everything one's own way - hold way - in a big way - in a way - in one's way - make the best of one's way - one's way around - on the way - out of the way - the way - the way of all flesh - under way II. obsolete III. IV. 1. chiefly dialect < go way > 2. a. < sleeves that dangle way below the tips of the fingers — Lois Long > < forging way ahead in education — J.T.Farrell > b. chiefly dialect < pull the switch way back > c. dialect < till way late in the morning — Mary S. Watts > • - from way back V. dialect Britain — used as a command to a team or draft animal to stop |
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