释义 |
port·fo·lio \pōrtˈfōlēˌō, pȯrt-, pōət-, pȯ(ə)t-, -fōl(ˌ)yō\ noun Etymology: alteration of earlier porto folio, modification of Italian portafoglio, from portare to carry + foglio leaf, sheet, from Latin folium leaf — more at portamento, blade 1. : a flat portable case (as a briefcase, a large heavy envelope, or a loose-leaf binder) for carrying papers or drawings 2. [so called from the use of such a case to carry documents of state] : the office and functions of a minister of state or member of a cabinet < received the portfolio of war > 3. : the securities held by an investor or the commercial paper held by a bank or other financial house < expanded the mortgage portfolio > |