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but·ton I. \ˈbətən\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English boton, from Middle French boton, bouton, from Old French, from boter, bouter to strike, thrust — more at butt (to thrust) 1. a. : a disk, ball, or device of other shape having holes or a shank by which it is sewn or secured to an article (as of clothing or upholstery) and that is used as a fastener by passing it through a buttonhole or loop or as a trimming and is made of glass, shell, bone, wood, leather, or cloth < on Fortune's Cap, we are not the very Button — Shakespeare > b. : an ornament or badge of similar shape often of metal with a stamped design or of plastic with a slogan imprinted on the face c. : a thing of slight value < not worth a button > d. : a unit of one inch used in determining length of gloves and measured from base of thumb towards wrist < a 12-button glove reaches nearly to the elbow > e. buttons plural but singular in construction [so called from the buttons on his livery] now chiefly Britain : page, bellboy 2. : any of various parts or growths of plants resembling buttons: as a. : bud b. : the fruit of a rose or the flower head of one of the Compositae < a button chrysanthemum > c. : a small round seed vessel d. : an immature whole mushroom; especially : one just before expansion of the pileus e. : an abnormally small fruit f. : an onion bulb or a garlic clove 3. : a small knob or piece resembling a button in shape: as a. : an incipient or stunted growth of horn (as in the calf or stag) — see scur b. buttons plural : dung especially of a sheep c. : the terminal segment of a rattlesnake's rattle d. : a uterine cotyledon e. : a small mass or globule of metal remaining after fusion (as at the bottom of a crucible or cupel) 4. West : youngster, boy 5. : a device suggestive of a button: as a. : an oblong or elongated piece of wood or metal turning on a nail, pin, or screw (as to fasten a door or window) b. : a leather washer for a nail or screw c. : push button d. : the knob in the end block to which the tailpiece of a stringed instrument (as a violin) is anchored e. : a marker in the pavement indicating a proper pivoting point for traffic or one of a set marking vehicle or pedestrian lanes f. : a leather ring running along the reins of a bridle for tightening or loosening it g. : a guard on the tip of a fencing foil h. : one of the push buttons on a musical instrument (as an accordion) i. : the earpiece of a hearing aid 6. slang : the point of the chin especially as the target for a knockout blow < the next punch landed square on the button > 7. : a small white spot on the throat or chest of a solid-colored cat 8. buttons plural, slang : wits < hasn't got all his buttons > • - on the button II. verb (buttoned ; buttoned ; buttoning \ˈbət(ə)niŋ\ ; buttons) Etymology: Middle English botonen, from Middle French botoner, from Old French, from boton, n., button transitive verb 1. : to furnish or decorate with buttons 2. a. : to pass (a button) through a buttonhole or loop b. : to fasten, secure, or close with a button — often used with up < button up your overcoat > < he buttoned his brother's jacket > 3. : to close (the lips) to prevent speech < keep your lip buttoned about this business > intransitive verb 1. : to have buttons for fastening < this jacket buttons at the side > 2. a. of fruit : to form buttons b. : to head prematurely (as of cauliflower) III. noun 1. : a mescal button chewed for its hallucinogenic effect 2. : a button that has the real or symbolic capability of initiating a nuclear attack 3. : a hidden sensitivity that can be manipulated by another person to produce a desired response < really knows how to push her buttons > 4. : a usually box-shaped icon on a computer screen that initiates a specific software function when clicked on with a mouse |