

单词 builder
释义 build·er
\-ldə(r)\ noun
Etymology: Middle English bilder, from bilden + -er
1. : one that builds: as
 a. : a worker (as a carpenter, shipwright, or mason) whose occupation is to build
 b. : a person who supervises and usually has a financial interest in building operations and the arts and trades involved in their progress — compare contractor
 c. : a person or organization that creates something (as a business or a railroad); especially : one that is a pioneer organizer or developer (as of a country)
  < the empire builders >
2. : a substance (as a sodium polyphosphate or sodium carbonate) added to soaps or synthetic detergents or used with them to increase their cleansing action (as by softening hard water or controlling the hydrogen-ion concentration of the bath)
3. : a man in backgammon that can be moved without leaving a blot
4. or builder motion : the mechanism in a textile mill that distributes yarn or roving onto a bobbin, spool, or other holder to form a package
5. : a worker who builds up (as wax molds for electrotype plates) or assembles (as tires or parts of tires)




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