释义 |
per·me·abil·i·ty \ˌpərmēəˈbiləd.ē, ˌpə̄m-, ˌpəim-, -lətē, -i\ noun 1. : the quality or state of being permeable < the permeability of protective films > < the permeability of a membrane > < the water vapor permeability of leather is inherently high — Technical News Bulletin > 2. : the property of a porous material that is measured by the rate by volume at which a fluid of unit viscosity passes through unit cross section of the material under unit pressure gradient; specifically : a measure of the ease of fluid flow through rocks — compare darcy, darcy's law 3. : the measure of the rate of diffusion of gas through intact balloon fabric usually expressed in liters per square meter of fabric per 24 hours under standard conditions 4. : the property of a magnetizable substance that determines the degree in which it modifies the magnetic flux in the region occupied by it in a magnetic field; specifically : the ratio of the induction to the magnetizing force in the substance |