释义 |
vi·sa I. \ˈvēzə sometimes -ēsə\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, from Latin, neuter plural of visus, past participle of vidēre to see 1. : an endorsement made on a passport by the proper authorities (as of the country the bearer wishes to enter) denoting that it has been examined and that the bearer is permitted to proceed 2. : a signature of formal approval by a superior upon a document requiring approval as to form or content II. transitive verb (visaed \-zəd, -səd\ ; visaed \“\ ; visaing \-zəiŋ, -sə-\ ; visas) 1. : to give a visa to (a passport) < provide themselves with passports and … have them visaed by the consular officers — A.E.Aspinall > 2. : to give official approval to : ratify < a list of topics and speakers must be presented and visaed in advance of every meeting — Nation > |