

单词 monsieur
释义 mon·sieur
\mə̇s(h)ˈyə, -yər(.), -yə̄; mə̇ˈsi(ə)r, -iə; mə̇s(h)ˈyu̇(ə)r, -u̇ə, mə̇ˈshu̇-; as a title both syllables may be without stress or the first two sounds may be mi with secondary stress and there may or may not be secondary stress on the second syllable\ noun
(plural mes·sieurs \“ or with or me as the first two sounds or with z at end\)
Etymology: Middle French, literally, my lord
 a. : a Frenchman of high rank or station
  < would pray our monsieurs to think an English courtier may be wise — Shakespeare >
 b. : the next collateral heir to the French throne; specifically : the second son or the oldest brother of the king of France
2. : mister — used as a title of courtesy prefixed to the name of a Frenchman; abbr. M.




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