释义 |
mon·goose \ˈmä]ŋˌgüs, ]nˌ- sometimes ˈmə]\ noun (plural mongooses) Etymology: Hindi mũgūs, mãgūs, from Prakrit maṅguso, perhaps of Dravidian origin; akin to Tamil mūṅkā mongoose 1. a. : an agile keen-sighted grizzled brown and black viverrine mammal (Herpestes nyula) of India that is about the size of a ferret, has a sharp snout and a long heavy tail, captures and feeds on snakes including the most venomous and on rodents, and is often domesticated b. : any other member of the genus Herpestes or of various related genera native to Asia and Africa — compare ichneumon 1 2. or mongoose lemur : a Madagascan lemur (Lemur mongoz)