单词 | money |
释义 | mon·ey I. 1. < have used gold, copper, wampum, or cattle for money > as a. b. < a coin worth less than a penny in our money > c. < took some money from her purse to pay him > < storekeepers who would accept foreign money > 2. a. (1) < can lose or make a lot of money in that business > < allowed to accept money for their services > : pecuniary gain < do the job for love or money > : pay < gets good money in that job > (2) < died and left all his money to charity > b. < raised the money for the new dormitory > < returned the money you lent him > < spent all the food money before payday > : price paid < got his money's worth > c. < this year … mortgage money is much more plentiful > < the money supply in the country today > < money's cheap these days, particularly on the security we'd be able to offer — John Morrison > d. monies or moneys plural < the collection of tax monies > < the servants brawled and stole the royal moneys — Life > < taking interest for moneys lent — G.G.Coulton > 3. a. < copying the patterns of the moneys … current at the time of the Roman evacuation — John Craig > b. 4. a. b. < his horse took third money > 5. < there's a lot of money in that town > < politicians at the beck and call of money > • - for money - for one's money - in the money - money for jam ![]() II. 1. 2. 3. III. • - on the money IV. < a money situation > < a money player > < his money pitch > |
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