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bra·vo I. \ˈbrä(ˌ)vō, -rȧ- sometimes -ra-\ noun (plural bravos or bravoes \-vōz\ ; also bra·vi \-(ˌ)vē\) Etymology: Italian, from bravo, adjective, wild, courageous — more at brave : villain, desperado, cutthroat < the Renaissance bravo turned religious fanatic — H.J.Laski > especially : a hired assassin II. \“, ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷\ noun (plural bravos \-vōz\ ; also bra·vi \ˈ ̷ ̷(ˌ)vē\) Etymology: Italian, from bravo, adjective, excellent, courageous, wild : a shout of approval or approbation < frenzied bravos for the tenor > — often used interjectionally in applauding a performance (as of an artist or speaker); sometimes restricted in use to a man; compare brava III. \like bravo II\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) : to show approbation or admiration of especially by shouts of bravo < a wildly bravoing audience > IV. \like bravo I\ Usage: usually capitalized — a communications code word for the letter b |