释义 |
brake I. archaic past of break II. \ˈbrāk\ noun or brake fern (-s) Etymology: Middle English, fern, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish brækne fern — more at bracken 1. : a fern of the genus Pteridium (as P. aquilinum) having ternately compound fronds and roots, often growing several feet high, and used for making a beverage, for thatching, and for tanning 2. : a fern of the genus Pteris III. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English braken, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German, to brake flax, to break on the wheel; akin to Middle Dutch breken to break, Old English brecan — more at break : to break (flax or hemp) with a brake IV. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Low German; akin to Old English brecan to break 1. : a toothed instrument or machine for separating out the fiber of flax or hemp by breaking up the woody parts 2. : a tool resembling scissors used by basket makers to peel the bark from willow stems 3. dialect : a large heavy harrow : drag 4. : a baker's kneading machine 5. : a machine for bending, flanging, folding, and forming sheet metal — called also cornice brake V. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English 1. obsolete : a bridle with a powerful bit 2. : the handle of a pump; especially : one long enough so that a number of men can unite in working the pump 3. a. also break \“\ (1) : a device (as a block or band applied to the rim of a wheel) to arrest the motion of a vehicle, a machine, or other mechanism and usually employing some form of friction — often used in plural < to apply the brakes > — see air brake, emergency brake, friction brake, hydraulic brake, magnetic brake, service brake, vacuum brake (2) : something designed or used to slow down or stop movement, momentum, or activity < the interest rate acting as a brake on expenditures > < the government has applied the brakes on … horse players and other gamblers — Harry Levine > b. : the end man of a bobsled team who operates the brake VI. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb : to retard or stop by or as if by a brake < brake a car > < impulses being braked by inhibition — Fredric Wertham > intransitive verb 1. : to operate or manage a brake or brakes: as a. : to act as a brakeman < retired after 40 years of braking > b. : to manage a winding or hoisting engine for a mine 2. a. : to become checked by a brake < the car braked to a stop > b. : to apply a brake : slow up by applying the brake < the driver braked around curves > VII. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English -brake, probably from Middle Low German brake; akin to Middle Low German breken to break, Old English brecan — more at break : rough, broken, or marshy land thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant < cedar brakes > < the thick coastal brakes of the Olympia peninsula > — see canebrake VIII. noun (-s) Etymology: origin unknown 1. obsolete : cage, trap, snare 2. : an ancient instrument of torture : rack IX. variant of break III |