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mir·a·cle \ˈmirə̇kəl, -rēk-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin miraculum, from mirari to wonder at — more at smile 1. a. : an extraordinary event taken to manifest the supernatural power of God fulfilling his purposes < perform the healing miracles described in the Gospels > b. : an event or effect in the physical world deviating from the laws of nature 2. a. : an accomplishment or occurrence so outstanding or unusual as to seem beyond human capability or endeavor < test if man can produce, through his will and faith, the miracle of peace — B.M.Baruch > < economic miracle > b. : a wonderful thing worthy of admiration : a truly superb representative of its kind < became a miracle of learning — H.O.Taylor > < the story is a little miracle — Willa Cather > 3. : miracle play 4. Christian Science : a divinely natural occurrence that must be learned humanly Synonyms: see wonder • - to a miracle |