释义 |
dick·ey I. noun also dicky \ˈdikē, -ki\ (plural dickeys also dickies) Etymology: from the nickname Dicky, diminutive of Dick 1. : any of various articles of clothing: as a. dialect England : petticoat b. : a man's separate or detachable shirtfront usually worn under a jacket in place of a shirt and sometimes in addition to a shirt especially with clerical garments c. chiefly New England : a detachable shirt collar d. : a small fabric insert that is worn to fill in the neckline of a dress, jacket, or other garment and give the appearance of a blouse 2. : one of various animals: a. dialect Britain : a male donkey : jack b. (1) also dickeybird or dickybird \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ : a small bird (as a sparrow or a canary) (2) dialect England : hedge sparrow 3. chiefly Britain a. also dickey box : the seat for the driver at the front of a carriage b. : a seat at the back of a carriage or automobile : rumble seat 4. : a supplementary device used in textile manufacturing; especially : an additional roll used to keep the working rolls clear in textile manufacturing II. adjective or dicky \“\ Etymology: origin unknown : of poor quality : being in bad condition : shaky, weak < a dickey leg > < communications that are in a dickey state > |