单词 | value |
释义 | val·ue I. 1. a. < the method of merchandising is to give the buyer good value at the right price — Wall Street Journal > < I take his wages because I give good value for them — John Buchan > — often used in plural < priced at levels that reflect … policy of passing on to the customer the ever greater values resulting from technological progress — A.P.Sloan & H.H.Curtice > < the store advertises great values at large savings > b. < for value received > < a holder or purchaser for value > 2. < his holdings increase in value > < has the same value as the United States dollar — S.G.Inman > < fool's gold is of practically no value > < having a value of $5 > 3. a. < we know the value of a thing by the way it is sought, shunned, protected — H.N.Wieman > < he knew the precise value of men and could marshal them — A.H.Meneely > < learned the value of rest in the treatment of … tuberculosis — J.F.Fulton > < the physicist has become a military asset of such value — I.I.Rabi > < only a few … have anything of value to say — Edward Clodd > b. < she had a value for rank and consequence — Jane Austen > < a sad man who, for all his gaiety … had little value for life — Joyce Cary > 4. a. < as the value of a increases, b decreases > < the values of the angles vary proportionately > b. < values of the age of the earth determined by the geologists — S.F.Mason > < gives a fairly exact value of the constant temperature deeper down — Valter Schytt > < pressure maintained at sea level values — H.G.Armstrong > 5. < a quarter note has the value of two eighth notes > 6. < the ace is often given a different value in different forms of rummy > 7. a. b. c. 8. < may call food a value for the animal — Samuel Alexander > < the devotee of … education and religion was keenly aware of value — A.H.Johnson > — often used in plural < defending the values of the classical … tradition — Current Biography > < all values are only relative to a given culture — Erich Fromm > < the business world with its regulated system of values — D.H.Lawrence > < for the sensate mentality … human values are hedonistic and utilitarian — David Bidney > 9. < the vein carries good values > < values were discovered here in 1864 and a 10-stamp mill was soon at work — American Guide Series: Nevada > 10. < a new airmail value is to be issued here soon — National Stamp News > 11. < an alphabet made up of letters with phonetic values — Charlton Laird > < in … Elhua the h really has the value of ch in the Scottish word loch — T.H.Gaster > 12. < man is a value for x in the function x is rational > Synonyms: < have to comprehend the artist's own values — Havelock Ellis > < the ability of an ordinary Englishman to measure up to the times even though he must change his values — J.D.Hart > worth may suggest more lasting genuine merit resting on deeper, intrinsic, and enduring qualities < those qualities of the human personality which have an abiding worth under the tests of our civilization — Henry Suzzallo > < having gained a more judicious knowledge of the worth and dignity of individual man — William Wordsworth > < this book on navigation has chapters of varying worth > • - at value II. 1. a. < gave me a piece of his amethyst and I planned to have it properly valued — Edwin Corle > < merchandise inventories will be valued at the end of the year > — often used with at < values his holdings at $3,000,000 > < the institution values its plant and endowment at several million > b. < impressions which she had long since arranged and valued in her mind — Mary Deasy > < search and value every element in the conflict before him — Thomas De Quincey > 2. < from his parents … he learned to value education — Current Biography > < responded to and valued pleasant friendships — Ruth P. Randall > < valued himself on his tolerance of heresy in great thinkers — Robert Frost > 3. archaic Synonyms: see appreciate, estimate |
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