释义 |
val·kyrie \valˈkirē, -ˈkīr-, -ri, ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷; ˈvalkər-\ noun also wal·kyrie \wȯl-, wäl-\ (-s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: German & Old Norse; German walküre, from Old Norse valkyrja, literally, chooser of the slain; akin to Old English wælcyrige witch, sorceress; both from a prehistoric West Germanic-North Germanic compound whose first constituent is represented by Old Norse valr the slain and whose second constituent is akin to Old Norse kjōsa to choose — more at valhalla, choose : one of the maidens of the mythological Norse god Odin who hover over the field of battle choosing those to be slain and conducting the worthy heroes to Valhalla |