

单词 up
释义 up
I. \(|)əp\ adverb
Etymology: partly from Middle English up upward, from Old English ūp; partly from Middle English uppe on high, from Old English; both akin to Old High German ūf up, Old Norse upp up, upward, uppi on high, Gothic iup upward, uf under, Latin sub under, below, Greek hypo under, Sanskrit upa towards, near to, at, under, upari over — more at over
  (1) : toward the sky : toward a higher position : away from the center of the earth
   < pushes the boy up to the top of the fence so he can see >
   < the oil shoots up 200 feet >
   < has breakfast brought up to her bedroom >
   < ordered up searchlights to stab the sky — Noel Houston >
   — often used as an intensive
   < lift up your eyes >
   < raised up the ceiling a few feet >
   — often used in commands or exclamations calling for upward motion
   < hands up >
   < up periscope — E.L.Beach >
   — formerly used in combination with a verb, especially an auxiliary
   < we will, fair Queen, up to the mountain's top — Shakespeare >
  (2) : from beneath the ground or water to the surface
   < digs up arrowheads in his backyard >
   < the fish swim up for crumbs >
  (3) : from below the horizon
   < sees the moon come up >
  (4) : toward a slightly higher level
   < fishermen pulling boats up onto a beach >
  specifically : to or near the putting green of a golf course
   < hits the ball well up >
  (5) : toward a point (as on a river) that is farther away from the ocean
   < must time everything exactly — up with the flood tide, arriving … precisely at slack water — C.S.Forester >
  (6) : from a prone, sitting, slanting, or stooped position to an upright position
   < helps up a man who has fallen >
   < draws himself up to his full height >
  specifically : out of bed
   < stayed up all night long >
   — sometimes used in commands or exclamations
   < up, up, my friend, and quit your books — William Wordsworth >
 b. : upward from the ground or other surface so as to be detached
  < pulls up all the tulips >
 c. archaic : to a condition of being open
  < have broken up my packet again to insert this letter — Edmund Verney >
 d. : so as to expose fully a particular side or surface
  < turns the ace of spades up >
 a. : in a relatively high position
  < up in the mountains >
  < brings in a mirror-sharp picture 35,000 feet upadvt >
  < wants to see her name up in lights >
  < only a kid … with that flaming hair of hers just up — Mary Deasy >
  < the ball is up on the green >
 b. : at a point (as on a river) that is farther away from the ocean
  < camps up above the rapids >
 c. : in an upright position; specifically : on one's feet
  < standing up in front of a judge — Kay Boyle >
 a. : so as to cause sound to rise in volume or to be heard
  < speak up so that she can hear >
  < turns up the radio too loud >
 b. : so as to cause light to become brighter
  < turns up the lamp on the desk >
 a. : to or in a higher or better condition or status
  < on his way up as a junior member of a law firm — Sara H. Hay >
  < pressure on manufacturers to keep quality upCurrent Biography >
  < keeps him up out of sentimental estheticism — Clive Bell >
  — sometimes used in exclamations
  < up the workers — Liam O'Flaherty >
 b. : to or toward an advanced state (as of maturity or skill)
  < grew up in the city >
 c. : to or in a state of greater resolution or cheerfulness
  < brace up and keep going >
  < only buoyed up by the hope … of seeing a junk — Osbert Lancaster >
  — sometimes used in commands or exclamations
  (1) : to or in a state of greater activity or excitement
   < stirs up crowds >
   < the type that boiled up inside sometimes — E.V.Roberts >
  (2) — used as a function word usually in combination with it to indicate marked or intense activity
   < singing and laughing it up with the boys — Arthur Godfrey >
 e. : to or at a greater speed, rate, or amount
  < an effort to bring military plane production upCurrent Biography >
  < rents would move up or down — S.L.Payne >
 f. : to or at a higher musical pitch
  < transposes the melody up a fifth >
  < singing easily up above high C >
 g. : in continuance (as in time or a series)
  < indefatigable labors from youth up — D.S. & Jessie K. Jordan >
  < boys from fourth grade up — Gladys Skelley >
  < rent from $50 up — Warner Olivier >
  < highly alert during the night and up through dawn — P.W.Thompson >
  < from early childhood up until the age of 20 >
 h. : into greater prominence or a higher status or estimation (as by means of a specific action)
  < talks up all the new styles >
  < the quality of the beef is what counts, and the brown sugar is the touch to point it up — C.H.Baker >
 i. : to or in a state of expansion
  < a fish that puffs itself up >
  < the ingenious folly of pumping up a poem till it means everything — N.E.Nelson >
 a. : into existence, evidence, prominence, or prevalence : into operation or practical form
  < drawings … worked up in the office by several draftsmen — F.J.Mather >
  < saloons went up rapidly — D.D.Martin >
  < a skillful building up of suspense — C.W.Shumaker >
  < the money will turn up somewhere >
  < stokes the fire to get steam up >
 b. : to the consideration or attention of a person so that a decision or disposition can be made
  < put the problem squarely and finally up to the states and cities whose immediate concern it is — F.E.Johnson >
  < senators come up for reelection — T.R.Ybarra >
  < the unmanageable gelding went up for raffle — Time >
 c. : to or at bat
  < comes up twice in the same inning >
 a. : into the hands of another
  < yielded himself up a prisoner — Maria Edgeworth >
 b. : into one's possession
  < their licenses can be taken up and returned to authorities in their own state — Birmingham (Ala.) News >
 c. : in disclosure or confession — used with own, show, or give
 a. : to or toward a total number or quantity
  < counts up all the factors >
  < ran up a big bill >
  < sums up the whole situation >
  (1) : to a state of completeness or finality
   < eats up the cake >
   < finds that the land he is interested in is leased up — J.L.Harnon >
   < charge it up to experience >
   — often used as a function word for emphasis with little addition of meaning
   < might wake even the bomber boys up — J.G.Cozzens >
   < the pipe is stopped up with dirt >
   < the black water had swallowed me up — O.S.J.Gogarty >
   < to fright the animals and to kill them up — Shakespeare >
  (2) : to a degree approaching completeness : to a marked degree
   < show houses were being bought up by the moving picture interests — C.F.Wittke >
   < clean up the house >
   < softening up the enemy with artillery before making the final attack >
   — often used as a function word for emphasis
   < the plane's fueling up — Kay Boyle >
   < the roads empty magically while the drivers chow up — Barrett McGurn >
 a. : in or into a storage place
  < lays up supplies for the winter >
  < putting up preserves >
 b. : in or into a condition of closure or confinement
  < buttoned himself up — John Buchan >
  < wrapped up in a dressing gown — H.A.L.Craig >
  < a fine time to pot up bulbs for forcing — Catalog: Holland Bulb Gardens >
  < cork the bottle up >
  < have locked up and gone home — Brooks Atkinson >
 c. : in or into a condition of union or combination
  < sews up the rip >
  < joins up with his friends >
 d. : by way of remedying or eliminating a defect (as a break)
  < patched up his old pants >
  < a rather battered sign … we ought to paint it upHoliday >
 a. : so as to arrive or approach
  < comes driving up in a new car >
  < an avenue of trees leads up to the house >
 b. : in a direction that is conventionally, the opposite of down regardless of difference in elevation : toward, to, or at a place that is regarded as higher: as
  (1) chiefly Britain : toward or in a more important place (as a large city, university, or headquarters)
   < went up to London as professor of surgery — Harvey Graham >
  (2) : toward the direction from which the wind is blowing : to windward
  (3) : toward or in the north
   < peach cultivation is slowly extending up from the south — American Guide Series: Arkansas >
  (4) : toward or near the top (as of a sheet of paper)
   < your rapid pen moved up and down — Edna S.V.Millay >
  (5) : toward or in an outlying district
   < went up to the farm for a rest >
  (6) : toward or at the rear of a theatrical stage — used chiefly in stage directions
   < offended, walks up — W.S.Gilbert >
  (7) : to prison
   < went up in the 1920's … for 20 years — D.W.Maurer >
 c. : toward or at a forward position
  < hold their positions up in the trenches >
 d. : so as to be even with, overtake, find, or arrive at
  < his horse was fourth but then came up and won >
  < may be traced up to the first beginnings of Greek speculation — Walter Pater >
10. : in or into separated parts
 < break up the road before widening it >
 < tears up newspapers >
— often used as a function word for emphasis
 < the country was divided up into two spheres of interest — A.T.Bouscaren >
 a. : to a stop — usually used with draw, bring, fetch, or pull
 b. : without delay : promptly
  < didn't wait for recognition but spoke right up >
  < answers up to every question >
 a. : in advance (as of one's opponent) : ahead
  < on the next hole he shot a birdie three to go two upTime >
  < the intellectual's game of being one up on the prevailing interpretation — W.L.Miller >
 b. : for each side : each
  < the score is 15 up >
 a. : in multiples (as copies printed on a single sheet from identical plates at a single impression)
  < when circulars are ordered in large quantities, it is common to print them two up or four up — Daniel Melcher & Nancy Larrick >
  — compare gang I 3a(2)
 b. : in capital letters : with a capital initial letter
  < put all of these words up >
 c. : on a recto page and with the head next to the binding edge — used of the facing of an illustration; compare face II 9
II. \ˈəp\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English uppe, from Old English, from uppe, adverb
 a. : risen above the horizon especially so as to be visible : present in the sky
  < the sun is still up >
  (1) : standing on one's feet
  (2) chiefly Britain : standing and delivering a speech
   < the chancellor of the exchequer's up — Charles Dickens >
 c. : risen from bed : being out of bed
  < is up every morning at six >
  < a man who was just up from an attack of the measles — A.W.Long >
  < was up all last night — Kay Boyle >
 d. : high with respect to the bank of a stream or a shore
  < the river is dangerously up >
 e. : being in a raised position : raised, lifted
  < all the windows are up >
  < with the thumbscrew in the up position — H.G.Armstrong >
  < her defenses were up — Ethel Wilson >
 f. : standing above the ground : constructed, built
  < the two temporary bridges are up — Kay Boyle >
  (1) : having the face uppermost and exposed : facing upward
  (2) : fried on one side
   < ordered two eggs up >
 h. : mounted on the back of a horse
  < with a new jockey up >
  < is up on a long shot — Walter Bernstein >
 i. : grown or moved above a surface (as of the ground) so as to be visible
  < the corn is up now >
 j. : cut and placed suitably (as in storage)
  < the hay is up, and the turnips thinned — Padraic Fallon >
  (1) : having the surface broken (as for repairs)
   < began to unload poles and warning notices of “Road Up” — Adrian Bell >
  (2) : removed
   < finds the track up for several hundred feet >
 l. : moving, inclining, or directed upward
  < the up escalator >
  < looked at him with an up glance >
  (1) : set with a capital initial letter or all in capitals
   < all genus names are up >
  (2) : marked by the use of more capital letters than is usual
   < the style of this magazine is up >
 n. : held or brushed up toward the top of the head
  < a new up hairdo, a little fancy for daytime — Budd Schulberg >
  (1) : marked by a state of revolt, agitation, or excitement
   < they say the tribes are up — John Masefield >
   < their fighting blood was up — S.H.Adams >
  (2) : marked by activity : active
   < let's be up and doing >
 b. : marked by confidence and good spirits
  < in his up periods he joked and talked — Cyril Connolly >
 c. : increased above a former level (as of quantity or price)
  < bank loans were up six percent — Harvey Walker >
  < Sunday school enrollment is up — Ben Bradford >
  < fever was down, appetite was up — G.W.Gray b. 1886 >
  (1) : marked by greater than usual power or strength
   < haunts the sandbar now and growls when the wind is up — Laurence Critchell >
   < the lights in the drawing room on the first floor … were up — Margery Allingham >
  (2) : exerting enough force or power (as for operation)
   < the ship will sail as soon as steam is up >
   < I'll make a pot of tea. The fire is just up — Katharine Shattuck >
 e. : sailing on the way : bound
  < a ship now up for the tropics >
 f. : effervescent
  < took a sip to see if the champagne was still up >
 g. : ready
  < was up to any party of pleasure — W.M.Thackeray >
 specifically : marked by a high degree of physical and psychological preparedness
  < players will be up for the conference opponents and traditional rivals — H.O.Crisler >
  (1) : going on : taking place
   < went out to see what was up — Francis Shean >
   < begins to realize something is up — Anne Brooks >
  (2) : wrong, amiss
   < there was something up with her voice — Richard Llewellyn >
 a. : come to an end : completed, ended, terminated
  < the ringing of a bell in the classroom means that the hour is up — Ralph Linton >
  < his term of duty is nearly up — A.H.Townsend >
  < the game is up at 15 points >
 b. Britain : adjourned
  < Parliament was up — C.E.Robinson >
 c. : come to an undesired end
  < the game's all up with him >
  < the hunt was now fairly up and a crowd nearly 50 strong was racing down the wharf after them — Max Peacock >
 d. : set in type
  < the editorial is all up >
 a. : standing high (as in status or fortune) : having risen from a lower position
  < at graduation he was well up in his class >
  < can almost tell which industries are down and which are up, from the gifts — Sanford Brown >
  < choose management material not from men up from the bench but from young college-trained technicians — Time >
 b. : situated forward with respect to others
  < his horse is well up >
 c. archaic : much spoken about
 d. : being or having arrived on the same level or at the same point : equal, even
  < there were no dragging ends in the rear … nobody complaining that food or ammunition was not upEverybody's Magazine >
  — often used with to or with
  < was well up to the average of her class — F.W.Crofts >
  < did not feel quite up to par and proposed to rest — Alexander MacDonald >
  < discovers he is up with the best of them >
 e. : advanced in age
  < lived until she was up in the eighties >
  (1) : well informed through study or experience : quite familiar : abreast — usually used with on
   < his friends are up on the very latest things in the arts — Geoffrey Gorer >
   — also used with in or to
   < well up in these things — J.B.Smyth >
  (2) : being on schedule : not fallen behind — usually used with on or in
   < said he was up on his homework >
 g. : ahead of one's opponent (as in a game)
  < in spite of being set four tricks they were still up >
  < was three up on the second hole >
  < black is a pawn up >
 h. : being at or near the top (as of a list)
  < rehashing … the rumors of names up for rotation — T.H.Phillips >
 i. : being the higher pair in a poker hand consisting of two pairs
  < queens up >
  (1) : bound in a direction regarded as up (as toward the north, an important city, or the source of a river)
   < caught the up train to town >
   < a very small fraction of the up traffic — Werner Mangold >
  (2) : of or relating to traffic bound in a direction regarded as up
   < checked his suitcase on the up side of the station >
 b. chiefly Britain
  (1) : staying temporarily in a more important place (as London)
  (2) : resident at a university or a school
   < was up … with my wife as an undergraduate — W.B.Millen >
   < was still the depth of the vacation, and there were only a few scholars up — C.P.Snow >
 c. : placed so as to hold the rudder far to leeward
  < the tiller is up >
 d. : blowing from a mark used in archery toward the shooter
  < a strong up wind >
 e. : confined to prison
  (1) : being under consideration (as for the making of a decision)
   < the bill is now up before Congress >
   < the question is now up to the full cabinet and a decision is expected — H.T.Simmons >
  (2) : presented for consideration (as for the making of a decision) : due to be considered
   < is up for reelection — Elmer Davis >
   < is now up for sale — S.P.B.Mais >
   < a labor contract is up for negotiation — Securities Outlook >
  specifically : present (as in a court) and charged with an offense
   < is up for rape — Charles Oldfather >
 b. : placed at stake : bet, wagered
  < many thousands of dollars were up on the match >

- up against
- up against it
- up to
III. verb
(upped or in intransitive verb 1 up ; upped ; upping ; ups or in intransitive verb 1 up)
Etymology: up (I)
intransitive verb
1. : to act abruptly or surprisingly — usually followed by and and another verb
 < he up and married a show girl — Michael Mackay >
 < the jackass upped and died — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union >
 < no sooner is a girl qualified to be a doctor than she ups with some white-jacketed junior bandage wrapper and is off with him to a suburban villa — R.P.Lister >
2. : to rise from a lying or sitting position : get up
3. : to move upward : rise, ascend
4. : to raise one's hand or arm especially quickly and aggressively — followed by with
 < upped with a shotgun and opened some rain holes in the cloth top — F.B.Gipson >
transitive verb
1. : to catch a swan in order to put the owner's mark on the beak
 a. : to move to a physically higher position : raise, lift
  < ups flukes and goes down again — W.J.Hopkins >
  < upped sail — John Buchan >
  (1) : to raise to a higher level : increase, advance
   < upped the fare from 10 cents to 15 cents a ride — Gus Tyler >
   < cattle growers upped meat production — New York Times >
  (2) : to put into a higher occupational position : promote
   < has been upped to general merchandising director — Bennett Cerf >
  (3) : raise 17
3. : to put (the helm) up
IV. \(|)əp\ preposition
Etymology: up (I)
 a. : from a lower to a higher place on or along : to, toward, or at a higher point of
  < climbing up a tree >
  < building a cogwheel railway up the mountain — American Guide Series: New Hampshire >
  < the heat which is normally wasted up the chimney — Ronald Robson >
  < a child can be shifted horizontally as he progresses up the school — G.B.Jeffery >
  < it might be snowing up the mountain — J.M.Brinnin >
 b. : up into or in the
  < go up garret and play — B.F.Taylor >
  < asked was there anything up attic — Robert Frost >
2. : in a direction regarded as being toward or near the upper end or part of
 < a journey up one of the valleys — L.D.Stamp >
 a. : toward or at a point that is closer to the source or beginning of
  < a steamer groping her way up river — Cicely F. Smith >
  < these fish winter up the river — Biological Abstracts >
 b. : toward or near the inner part of
  < walks up the walk — Edna S.V.Millay >
  < advanced up the room — J.G.Cozzens >
  < will find himself trapped up a dead end — H.A.Burr >
 c. : to, toward, or in the interior of (as a region)
  < traveling up the country >
  < up country in the coffee and cotton plantations … life is rougher — William Tate >
 d. : toward the north along or through
  < lives a few miles up the coast >
  < withdrew his army up the island — H.E.Scudder >
  — often used in combination with a following noun to form adjectives and adverbs
  < an auction of upcounty farm land — Lonnie Coleman >
  < the water would then flow updip through the more porous strata — C.G.Lalicker >
3. : in the direction opposite to : against
 < up the wind >
 a. : in a direction parallel to the length of : along
  < took his arm and they began to walk together up the street — William Fay >
 b. : nearby on
  < as familiar as the man who lives up the street >
V. \ˈəp\ noun
Etymology: up (I) & up (II)
1. : one that is in a high or advantageous position
 < the savor of the book lies in … figures in the crowd, in the downs as well as the ups — Ernestine Evans >
2. : an upward slope
3. : a period or state of prosperity or success
 < unions always thrive most in times of business ups or business downs — Kiplinger Washington Letter >
 < has had downs as well as ups since he became … commander of the northern expeditionary forces — New Republic >
4. : a rise in value or price

- in two ups
- on the up
VI. abbreviation
VII. adjective
: being a constituent of nucleons and having the quantum characteristics of an electric charge of + 2/3 and a baryon number of 1/3
 < up quark >
— compare down herein
VIII. noun
1. : a feeling of contentment, excitement, or euphoria
2. : upper herein




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