

单词 blade
释义 blade
I. \ˈblād\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English blæd; akin to Old High German blat leaf, Old Norse blath, Latin folium, Greek phyllon leaf, Old English blōwan to blossom — more at blow
 a. : a leaf of a plant; especially : a leaf of an herb or more narrowly of a grass
  < blades of stunted grass >
 b. chiefly Scotland : a leaf that is broad and flat
  < a blade of rhubarb >
  (1) : the expanded portion of a leaf or a plant organ resembling a leaf : lamina 2b(1) — distinguished from petiole
  (2) : the broad terminal part of certain petals — distinguished from claw
2. : an object or part of an object resembling the blade of a leaf especially in broadness and flatness: as
 a. : the broad flattened part of an oar or paddle that exerts force against the water to propel a boat
 b. : something with an action basically similar to that of the blade of an oar: as
  (1) : a fluke of a whale
  (2) : a float of a paddle wheel
  (3) : an arm of a screw propeller, centrifugal fan, or steam turbine
  (4) : an airfoil used as a propeller to produce thrust or as a part of the lift-producing system of a rotary-wing aircraft
 c. : a broad flat bone (as one of the rami of a mandible); specifically : scapula — now used chiefly in naming cuts of meat
  < a blade chop >
  — see beef illustration
 d. : a piece of mace
 e. : the part of the arm of an anchor behind the palm
 f. : the expanded rear portion of the comb of a single-comb fowl — see cock illustration
 g. : the striking surface of a golf club or a hockey stick
 h. phonetics
  (1) : the portion of the tongue immediately behind the tip and lying approximately opposite the teethridge when the tongue is at rest
  (2) : this portion of the tongue together with the tip
 i. : the light-obstructing portion of the shutter of a camera
 j. : an inclined metal slab that functions as an ink reservoir in the fountain mechanism of a printing press
 k. : the broad, flat, or concave part of a road grader, bulldozer, or snowplow that comes into direct contact with the material to be moved
3. : an object or part of an object resembling a blade of grass: as
 a. : the cutting part of an instrument
  < the blade of a sword >
  < well-set saw blades >
 b. : an edged instrument: as
  (1) : sword
  (2) : a stone tool similar to a knife and having one or more sharp cutting edges
 c. : the runner of an ice skate
 d. : the long arm of a T square or carpenter's square
 e. : a single plate of baleen from a right whale
 f. : one of the movable conducting bars of an electrical switch
 g. : a slat especially in a venetian blind, louver, or shutter
4. : a human being:
 a. : swordsman
 b. : a sharp-witted, dashing, wild, or reckless fellow
  < such a gay blade of a fellow >
 c. : woman
  < the old blade shouldn't last much longer >
5. : one of the principal rafters of a roof
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English bladen, from blade, n.
transitive verb
1. : to furnish with a blade
2. chiefly Scotland : to pluck leaves from (a plant)
 < blading cabbages for market >
3. : to remove (as gravel or dirt) with machinery having a blade (as a grader or bulldozer)
intransitive verb
1. : to leaf out : put forth leaves
2. : to remove typically gravel, dirt, or muck with machinery having a blade
III. adjective
Etymology: blade (I)
of speech sounds : articulated with or involving the participation of the blade of the tongue
 < \s\ and \z\ are blade consonants >
IV. intransitive verb
: to skate on in-line skates
blad·er \-ər\ noun




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