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mes·cal noun also mez·cal \(ˈ)me|skal, mə̇ˈs-\ (-s) Etymology: Spanish mescal, mezcal, mexcal, from Nahuatl mexcalli mescal (liquor), from metl maguey + xcalli, short for ixcalli stew, decoction 1. : a small cactus (Lophophora williamsii) with rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles that is used as a stimulant and antispasmodic especially among the Mexican Indians who also employ it as a mild intoxicant in various ceremonies — see mescal button, peyote 2. a. : a usually colorless Mexican liquor distilled especially from the central leaves of maguey plants after they have been roasted and fermented — compare sotol, tequila; see pulque b. : a plant from which mescal is produced; especially : maguey
[mescal 1] |