释义 |
di·a·crit·ic I. \|dīə|krid.]ik, -it], ]ēk\ adjective or di·a·crit·i·cal \]ə̇kəl, ]ēk-\ Etymology: diacritic from Greek diakritikos separative, able to distinguish, from diakritos separated (verbal of diakrinein to separate, distinguish, from dia- + krinein to separate) + -ikos -ic; diacritical from Greek diakritikos + English -al — more at certain 1. : serving as a diacritic 2. a. : serving to separate or distinguish : distinctive < the diacritic elements in culture — S.F.Nadel > b. : capable of distinguishing or discerning < students of superior diacritic powers > II. noun (-s) : a modifying mark or sign over, under, after, or through an orthographic or phonetic character or combination of characters indicating a phonetic or semantic value different from that given the unmarked or otherwise marked character — compare accent 5a