

单词 unit
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: international unit , or jato unit , or living unit , or mass unit , or astronomical unit , or atomic mass unit , or mobile unit , or monetary unit , or motor unit , or multiple-unit , or multi-unit tube , or oxford unit , or pecuniary unit , or political unit , or power unit , or practical unit , or bargaining unit , or quantum unit of spin , or rato unit , or rat unit , or rep unit , or r unit , or seniority unit , or siegbahn unit , or social unit , or spending unit , or standard unit , or biostratigraphic unit , or tactical unit , or tail unit , or task unit , or thermal unit , or traffic unit , or unit banking , or unit card , or unit cell , or unit character , or unit class , or unit construction , or unit cost , or unit factor , or unit fraction , or unit heater , or unit line , or unit lock , or unit magnetic pole , or unit marker , or unit modifier , or unit of account , or unit of fire , or unit of value , or unit operation , or unit organ , or unit price , or unit process , or unit pulse , or unit rule , or unit-set , or unit solid angle , or unit switch , or unit value , or unit vector , or unit vote , or unit watermark , or volume unit , or bodansky unit , or administrative unit , or x unit , or base unit , or central processing unit , or dobson unit , or unit circle , or unit investment trust , or unit membrane , or unit pricing , or unit train , or unit trust , or british thermal unit , or unit of assessment , or walk-around oxygen unit , or carnegie unit , or cartographic unit , or combat unit , or complex unit , or cost unit , or county unit system , or currency unit , or debye unit , or amagat unit , or electromagnetic unit , or electrostatic unit , or eötvös unit , or food unit , or animal unit , or geometric unit , or heat unit , or imaginary unit




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