释义 |
mav·er·ick I. \ˈmav(ə)rik, -rēk\ noun (-s) Etymology: after Samuel A. Maverick died 1870 American pioneer in Texas who did not brand his calves 1. West : an unbranded range animal; especially : a calf on the range that is unbranded and not following its mother 2. a. : a refractory or recalcitrant member of a political party who bolts at will and sets an independent course b. : an intellectual or a member of a social upper class or of any other group who refuses to conform and takes an unorthodox stand II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) 1. West : to brand and take possession of (an animal) as a maverick 2. West : to obtain by dishonest or questionable means III. adjective : being, behaving like, or typical of a maverick : recalcitrant, unmarked, stray < a maverick calf > < maverick floating mine > < a maverick stand on a tax bill > |