

单词 unearth
释义 un·earth
\|ən+\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English unerthen, from un- (II) + erthen to earth
 a. : to dig up out of the earth : bring up, uncover, or recover from underground : exhume, disinter
  < unearth a hidden treasure >
  < unearthed a cache of … whiskey — Georg Meyers >
  < archaeologists … have unearthed many valuable Indian relics — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
 b. : to drive out of the ground (as from a hole or burrow)
  < unearth a badger >
2. : to bring from concealment, obscurity, or oblivion : bring to light : uncover, discover
 < unearth carefully hidden evidence >
 < unearth a plot >
 < the facts unearthed by patient research >
 < unearthed proof that the accused was innocent — Robert Brennan >
 < unearthed a sheaf of yellowing catalogs — David Anderson >
Synonyms: see discover




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