释义 |
un·dressed \“+\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from un- (I) + dressed, past participle of dressen to dress — more at dress 1. : not dressed: as a. : disarranged, ungroomed < with hair undressed and clothing in disarray she bore down like an avenging fury > b. : rough, unfinished < undressed granite > < undressed hides > c. : left without medication, bandage, or dressing < an undressed wound > d. : untended, untrimmed < undressed grounds > < an undressed vine > e. : left without sauce, garnish, or condiment — used of foods f. : prepared so as not to deteriorate but not fully processed or ready for use — used of game fish, game animals, or hides 2. a. : not clothed or not fully clothed : nearly or altogether naked b. : not ordered or prepared for public presentation or appearance : not arranged to be seemly, persuasive, or attractive < man's undressed thoughts — C.T.Ryan > 3. a. : wearing informal or ordinary dress b. : not properly dressed |