

单词 mathematical
释义 math·e·mat·i·cal
\|mathə|mad.]ə̇kəl, -at], ]ek- sometimes (ˈ)math|m-\ adjective
also math·e·mat·ic \]ik, ]ēk\
Etymology: mathematical from Latin mathematicus mathematical (from Greek mathēmatikos mathematical, scientific, from mathēmat-, mathēma learning, mathematics — from mathein, manthanein to learn — + -ikos -ic) + English -al; mathematic from Latin mathematicus mathematical; akin to Old High German muntar prompt, awake, Old Norse munda to aim, Gothic mundon to pay attention to, Sanskrit medhā intelligence, wisdom; all from a prehistoric Indo-European combination whose first constituent means “mind” and is akin to Sanskrit manas mind and whose second constituent is akin to the verb represented by Sanskrit dadhāti he puts, places — more at mind, do
 a. : of, relating to, or having the nature of mathematics
  < a mathematical textbook >
  < mathematical problems >
 b. : derived by or in accordance with mathematics
  < a mathematical solution to a problem >
 c. : designed for use in connection with mathematics
  < slide rules and other mathematical instruments >
 a. : rigorously exact : perfectly accurate : absolute
  < hit the mathematical center of the target >
  < had been leveled off with mathematical precision — T.B.Costain >
 b. : having an exactness or a regularity of proportions that suggests calculation by mathematics
  < a series of mathematical flower beds >
 c. : being beyond doubt or questioning : altogether positive : definite
  < mathematical proof >
  < mathematical certainty >
3. : statistically possible but highly improbable : bare, outside
 < has only a mathematical chance of making the playoffs >
math·e·mat·i·cal·ly \-ə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li\ adverb




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