释义 |
ma·te·ri·al·i·ty \məˌtirēˈaləd.ē, -tēr-, -ətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: Medieval Latin materialitat-, materialitas quality or state of being material, from Late Latin materialis material + Latin -itat-, -itas -ity 1. a. obsolete : matter, substance b. : something that is material or the sum of things that are material especially physically and in an outwardly apprehensible manner < has the world of materiality under control — N.R.Nash > 2. : the quality or state of being material: as a. : the quality or state of consisting of matter : the quality or state of being physical < the materiality of the universe > b. : the quality or state of being something requiring serious consideration by reason of being either certainly or probably vital to the proper settlement of an issue < questioned the materiality of the evidence > |