释义 |
mar·gin·al I. \ˈmärjə̇nəl, ˈmȧj-\ adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin marginalis, from Latin margin-, margo border + -alis -al — more at mark 1. a. : written or printed in the margin of a page or sheet < marginal notes > b. : having notes written or printed in the margin < a marginal manuscript > 2. a. : of, relating to, or constituting a margin < the marginal parts of an insect's wing > b. (1) : situated at, on, or near a margin < outlying marginal territorial possessions > specifically : occupying the borderland of a relatively stable territorial or cultural area < marginal groups of aborigines > (2) : characterized by the incorporation of habits and values from two divergent cultures and by incomplete assimilation in either < the marginal cultural habits of new immigrant groups > c. (1) : running round a leaf parallel and near to the margin < marginal leaf venation > (2) of a monocarpellary ovary : parietal 3. : located at the fringe of consciousness < marginal sensations > 4. a. : close to the lower limit of qualification or acceptability < possesses only marginal ability > b. (1) : having a character or capacity fitted to yield a supply of goods which when marketed at existing price levels will barely cover the cost of production < marginal land > < marginal production > < marginal producers > (2) : of, relating to, or concerned with a limit or margin of return or reward as measured by existing price levels that is barely sufficient to yield a profit or cover the costs of production < marginal profits > < marginal sales > II. noun (-s) : something that is marginal: as a. (1) : a note written or printed in a margin (2) : a decorative border of a page or sheet b. : a body part (as one of the plates around the edge of the carapace of a turtle, an outer tooth in the radula of a mollusk) that is marginal in relation to another part III. adjective 1. : excluded from or existing outside of the mainstream of society, a group, or a school of thought 2. : relating to or being a function of a random variable that is obtained from a function of several random variables by integrating or summing over all possible values of the other variables < a marginal probability function > • marginality noun |