释义 |
turnover I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) Etymology: turn over 1. : an act or result of turning over < turnover on a horizontal bar > : upset < collision and turnover of a bus > 2. : a turning from one side, place, or direction to its opposite : shift, reversal; especially : a marked shift of votes from one party to another 3. : a reorganization with a view to a shift in personnel : shake-up 4. : something that is turned over : a part (as the leaf of a book, the flap of an envelope, or a welt in a shoe) turned or folded over 5. : a triangular or semicircular pocket of filled pastry made by turning half of a square or circle of pastry over the other and enclosing a filling < apple turnover > < chicken turnover > 6. or turnover apprentice archaic : one whose indentures are transferred from one master (as a master printer) to another to enable him to complete his apprenticeship 7. a. : the amount of business done : degree of business activity < gilt-edged securities were firm but the turnover small > b. : the amount of material on which some process has been performed < the turnover of a mine > or the rate at which material is processed < turnover of a machine > 8. a. : movement (as of goods, animals, or people) into, through, and out of a place considered all as a single process < a rapid turnover of patients in a well-organized hospital > < daily turnover of hogs in the stockyards > b. : the receipt, placing on sale, and disposal of a stock of merchandise; also : the rate at which goods are sold c. : a cycle of purchase, sale, and replacement of a stock of goods, < a turnover four times a year > also : the ratio of sales for a stated period to average inventory d. : the number of persons hired within a period to replace those leaving or dropped from a working force; also : the ratio of this number to the number in the average force maintained 9. Britain : a light essay on a matter of current interest beginning in the last column of page one of a newspaper and continuing onto page two 10. : turnover frequency II. adjective Etymology: turn over : capable of being turned over : made with a part folded over < turnover collar > III. noun 1. : the continuous process of loss and replacement of a constituent (as a neurotransmitter, cell, or tissue) of a living system < protein turnover in various pathological states — J.C.Waterlow > < turnover of neurons in the hippocampus — B.L.Jacobs et al > 2. : the act or an instance of a team's losing possession of a ball through error or a minor violation of the rules (as in basketball or football) |