释义 |
mag·nif·i·cat \magˈnifə̇ˌka]t, maig-, -fēˌk-, sometimes məg- or -kä] or -kȧ]; mänˈyifə̇ˌkä], mȧn...kȧ], -yēf-, -fēˌk; usu ]d.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: from the Magnificat, a canticle sung at vespers in the Roman Catholic Church, from Middle English, from Latin, magnifies (3d sing present indicative of magnificare to magnify, extol), in magnificat anima mea Dominum my soul magnifies the Lord, the first words of the canticle, derived from Luke 1:46 ff. : a song or hymn of praise < a thrush was pouring forth a magnificat to the spring — Rafael Sabatini > |