

单词 bacteroid
释义 bac·te·roid
I. \ˈbaktəˌrȯid\ adjective
or bac·te·roi·dal \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|rȯidəl\; also bac·te·ri·oid \bakˈtirēˌȯid\; or bac·te·ri·oi·dal \(ˈ)bak|tirē|ȯidəl\
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary bacter-, bacteri- (from New Latin bacterium) + -oid, -oidal
: resembling bacteria
II. noun
1. : an enlarged branched bacterium (as the rhizobia found in the tubercles of leguminous plants)
2. : a symbiotic bacterium or an inclusion like a bacterium in the bacteriocytes of the fat body of certain insects




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