释义 |
ax·il·lary I. \ˈaksəˌlerē, -ri also (esp in sense 1) (ˈ) ak|silər-\ adjective also ax·il·lar \usu (ˈ)ak|silə(r) in sense 1 and ˈaksəl- in sense 2\ Etymology: probably from French axillaire, from Middle French, from Latin axilla + Middle French -aire -ary 1. : of, near, or relating to the axilla < an axillary nerve > < an axillary feather > < an axillary plate > 2. [axil + -ary, -ar] : situated in, growing from, or relating to an axil < axillary buds > II. noun (-es) : axillar: as a. : one of a group of feathers arising from the axilla and closing the space between flight feathers and body when a bird is flying b. : one of the small lateral sclerites of the thorax with which the wing of an insect articulates and flexes |