

单词 author
释义 au·thor
I. \ˈȯthə(r)\ noun
Etymology: alteration of Middle English autour, auctour, from Old French autor, auctor, from Latin auctor, from auctus (past participle of augēre to increase) + -or — more at eke
1. : one that fathers : procreator, parent, ancestor
 < the author of his being was a shiftless, drunken, ill-tempered hack musician — H.W.Van Loon >
 a. : one that is the source of some form of intellectual or creative work
  < the author of the theory of relativity >
  < the author of a beautifully designed mural >
 especially : one that writes or otherwise composes a book, article, poem, play, or other work which involves literary composition and is intended for publication
  < favorite American authors >
  < author of a textbook >
  < the authors of a tariff law >
  — compare compiler, editor, translator
 b. : one that compiles material (as for publication) in such a way that the finished compilation can be regarded as a relatively original work
  < author of an anthology of French poetry >
 c. : one (as an author's agent) having the right to make author's alterations
 d. : a printer's customer
 e. : a corporate author
 a. : one that originates, makes, or gives existence : source, creator; especially capitalized : god
  < Eternal King … Author of all being — John Milton >
 b. : one that brings about or is the efficient cause of an action, event, circumstance, or condition
  < the author of a plan for social improvement >
  < an author of world tension >
 c. : one that prompts to an action : instigator
  < author of a mutiny >
4. obsolete : one that is pointed out or appealed to as the source of an opinion : informant
5. authors plural but singular in construction, often capitalized : a game played with special cards divided into sets or books, each set relating to a different author; also : this game played with standard playing cards
6. : one that originally names and describes a particular taxon
II. transitive verb
(authored ; authored ; authoring \-th(ə)riŋ\ ; authors)
1. : to be the author of; especially : write
 < he authored a series of best sellers >
2. : make, originate, create
 < authoring a radically new fashion trend >




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