

单词 atmosphere
释义 at·mo·sphere
I. \ˈatməˌsfi(ə)r, -iə\ noun
Etymology: New Latin atmosphaera, from Greek atm- + Latin sphaera sphere — more at sphere
 a. : a gaseous mass enveloping a heavenly body (as a planet or satellite)
  < the atmosphere of Mars >
 b. : the whole mass of air surrounding the earth
 c. : a gaseous envelope or medium
  < an inert atmosphere >
2. : a supposed medium around various bodies : any surrounding envelope
 < the atmosphere of electrons >
3. : the air of a given place or locality especially as affected by a particular characteristic (as heat, moisture, wholesomeness, or unwholesomeness)
 < the close atmosphere of the schoolroom >
 < the fetid swamp atmosphere >
 < a refreshing mountain atmosphere >
 a. : a conditioning surrounding influence : mental or moral environment : physical milieu viewed as having a mental or moral influence
  < an atmosphere of war, of blood, of excitement — Stuart Cloete >
  < the Sunday-school atmosphere of conventional religiosity — Havelock Ellis >
 b. : the typical environment of a given locality or period, class of people, or way of life : characteristic background or setting
  < the atmosphere of a New England college town — C.G.Poore >
5. : a unit of pressure equal to 101,325 newtons per square meter and very nearly equal to the pressure exerted by a vertical column of mercury 760 millimeters high at a temperature of 0° C under standard gravity
 a. : the pervasive strongly dominant mood of a creative work (as a painting, symphony, or poem) evoked by and dependent on the successful suggestion, delineation, and heightening of elements vital to the desired effect
  < the brooding atmosphere of Macbeth >
 b. : overall aesthetic effect of a creative work (as of art) that succeeds in producing a sense of intimate contact with and sharing in its physical or psychic environment
  < a novel rich in atmosphere >
 c. : color, interest, and appeal : fascination : individual or exotic tone or effect
  < a tiny inn that was full of atmosphere >
 d. : intriguing effect especially when arising from exotic, bizarre, or other beguilingly unusual qualities
  < the languorous, bewitching atmosphere of a pagan island >
7. : a brownish pink that is slightly redder and duller than nude — called also mauve blush
8. : an effect of slight haziness or mistiness (as that caused by particles of dust or moisture suspended in the air and leading to the diffusion of light rays); specifically : such an effect in a painting
II. verb
transitive verb
: to provide with atmosphere or an atmosphere
 < the play needs to be atmosphered >
intransitive verb
: to be accessible to the atmosphere : vent
 < a water tank with a single pipe for atmosphering >




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