单词 | load |
释义 | load I. 1. a. < the supply men hiked their loads up on their shoulders — Burgess Scott > b. < one more stop before he finished delivering his load > specifically < each load of 50 disks is packaged in a … glass vial — Modern Packaging > < a car with a transverse load > c. (1) < a dump truck with a full load of sand > specifically < a load of plain tiles is 1000 — Gregory's Handbook for Australian Builders > — often used in combination < a boatload of tourists > < an armload of bundles > < arrived by the jeepload > (2) Midland d. 2. a. < a roof sagging under its load of snow > < branches bent low by their load of fruit > b. < the external forces, or loads, to which a roof truss is subjected consist of the weights of materials of construction, snow, ice, and wind pressure together with the reactions developed at the supports as a result of these loads — F.E.Kidder & Harry Parker > < the most accurate way of determining the full load on each tire is to weigh each axle of a fully loaded truck — Armstrong Tires Data Book > — see dead load, live load c. < the load on a glued joint > < this normal instinctive fear which adds its load to the burden of the nervous system — H.G.Armstrong > 3. a. < a load of care > < took a great load off his mind > b. < carry his share of the load in a democratic society — Bulletin of Bates College > < his heavy load of day-to-day work — New York Times > c. < a work which has acquired an enormous load of sentimental values — Hunter Mead > 4. slang < he'd come in with a small load on, but he was never really high — Roderick Lull > 5. < a singing comedienne with … loads of energy — New Yorker > 6. a. (1) (2) (3) b. < a washer that takes a 10 pound load > < put three loads through the dryer > 7. < at all loads less than full capacity, the turbine operates at better efficiency with individual nozzle control — B.G.A.Skrotzki & W.A.Vopat > 8. a. b. 9. < a train of thirty empties and ten loads — Elton Brown > : one that is loaded 10. a. (1) < workers … willing to adapt to work loads set by time study methods — J.A.Morris b. 1918 > < counseling duties in addition to normal teaching loads — Bates Boyle > < patient load of physicians in private practice > < the case load of social workers > < a regular student with an academic load of 12 semester hours > (2) b. < the load in a refrigeration system is the name applied to the quantity of heat that must be removed per unit of time — B.H.Jennings > : the number or quantity (as of persons, vehicles) accommodated (as by an institution, transportation system) at one time < the population load on the land — Russell Lord > < care for the potential load of senile mental cases — Psychological Abstracts > < traffic reaching its peak load during rush hours > 11. slang < get a load of this new convertible — Bennett Cerf > 12. < the worm load in rats > 13. II. transitive verb 1. a. < had loaded the moving van by noon > < load the plane with cargo > < steamboats loaded down with goods and passengers — American Guide Series: Minnesota > b. < load the freight into the car > < loads his family into the car for a ride > 2. a. < a railway president … would not load himself with departmental minutiae — W.J.Cunningham > < a business that was loaded down with debts > < load human life with frustration and grief — David Cort > b. < load more work on him > c. d. 3. a. < grapes load down the vines > < load the springs to the limit > b. < the stockwhip was … loaded with shot at the butt — H.L.Davis > c. (1) (2) of textiles < silk which has been loaded with … metallic salts — Irish Digest > d. e. < the system was heavily loaded in favor of royalty, aristocracy, and priesthood — A.L.Kroeber > < the situation is a little loaded against the male of the species — John Gould > < so loaded his questions that a witness had to answer as desired or appear unpatriotic > < the jury comes in loaded to soak an anarchist — Maxwell Anderson > f. g. < the sentiment that loads such words as mother > 4. a. < a prewar custom of loading visitors with gadgets — DeWitt Morrill > < an uncle … who, like all pawnbrokers, was loaded with trumpets — E.J.Kahn > < their questions were loaded with insinuation — Jean Stafford > : heap < an enameled plate that was loaded high with potatoes — Liam O'Flaherty > : pack < clearly written and loaded with pictures and diagrams — Dun's Review > < load up on them while the price is low > b. (1) < the loaded streaks of orange and cinnabar — F.J.Mather > (2) (3) c. < the pitcher loaded the bases by walking three batters > d. < the pilot warmed to his opportunity, and proceeded to load me up in the good old-fashioned way — Mark Twain > 5. a. < load his corncob pipe > < load, unload, and reload the washer by hand > as (1) (2) (3) b. < load the cloth into a dye vat > 6. a. < load a windmill for a 15-mile wind — F.E.Kidder & Harry Parker > b. (1) (2) (3) (4) 7. 8. a. b. < loaded prices > < waiters can load checks more deftly than any of their colleagues on the European Continent — T.H.Fielding > intransitive verb 1. < trucks were loading with mail at the platform in back > < stopped behind a school bus that was loading > 2. 3. 4. < the nurses were called … to load into the boat — Lonnie Coleman > : be suitable for loading a carrier, device, or machine < razor blades that load without handling > Synonyms: see burden • - load the dice III. variant of lode IV. V. |
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