释义 |
training noun (-s) Etymology: from gerund of train (IV) 1. a. : the teaching, drill, or discipline by which powers of mind or body are developed : education < many of us continue to believe in this training of the mind by language — Charlton Laird > < the training of statesmen is a large matter — Ernest Barker > b. (1) : the regimen of exercise, diet, and practice undergone by an athlete < it was no light matter to break varsity football training > (2) : a pitch of proficiency developed by an athlete's regimen < he was in perfect training > c. : development of a particular skill or group of skills : instruction in an art, profession, or occupation 2. : the control of plants, vines, or young trees so that they will grow in a desired shape or direction 3. : the aiming or pointing of a gun, a camera, or a light |