

单词 asclepiad
释义 as·cle·pi·ad
I. \əˈsklēpēəd, aˈ-, -ēˌad\ noun
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Greek asklēpiadeios, from asklēpiadeios asclepiadean, from Asklēpiadēs Asclepiades, 3d century B.C. Greek poet
: a Greek lyric verse that extends a glyconic base by repetition of the choriambic cadence (1) once before the final iambus (as ---˘˘--˘˘-˘-) or (2) twice (as ---˘˘--˘˘--˘˘-˘-) — called also respectively (1) lesser asclepiad, minor asclepiad; (2) greater asclepiad, major asclepiad
II. noun
Etymology: New Latin Asclepiad-, Asclepias
: a plant of the family Asclepiadaceae




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