释义 |
lin·eage I. \ˈlinēij, -ē.ēj\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English linage, from Middle French linage, lignage, from Old French, from ligne line of descent, line, cord + -age — more at line (cord) 1. a. : descent in a line from a common progenitor < a person of unknown lineage > b. : derivation or source of origin < the characters reveal the play's lineage > : line of descent or tradition : background < conceptions of ancient lineage > 2. : a group of persons (as a family or clan) tracing descent from a common ancestor who is regarded as its founder : a unilineal descent group — compare maximal lineage, minimal lineage 3. : the number of lines on a score sheet that a set of bowling pins can withstand Synonyms: see ancestry II. variant of linage |