

单词 plump
释义 plump
I. \ˈpləmp\ verb
Etymology: Middle English plumpen, of imitative origin
intransitive verb
1. : to drop, fall, sink, or come in contact with suddenly or heavily
 < plumped to her knees in front of the fire >
 < plumping down with a sigh >
 a. chiefly Britain : to vote for only one candidate in an election in which one is entitled to vote for two or more
 b. : to come out strongly in favor of something : support a point of view, aim, party, or person vigorously or as a partisan — used with for
  < plumped for a third party ticket >
  < ready to plump for any scheme that would improve the school system >
3. : to come or go or arrive or depart suddenly, unexpectedly, or energetically
 < plumped out of the house in a huff >
 < plumped down in this little town on a quiet Sunday >
transitive verb
1. : to drop, cast, plunge, or place all at once, suddenly and heavily, or with accurate firmness and an effect of determination
 < plumping stones into the water >
 < washed and dressed the baby and plumped him into his high chair >
2. : to utter (as an opinion) suddenly or abruptly : blurt out
3. : to make favorable mention of : give support and favorable publicity to
 < newspaper ads plump the virtues of the Russian-built … car — Newsweek >
II. adverb
1. : with a sudden or heavy drop : suddenly and heavily
 < fell plump into the river >
2. : straight down : vertically, perpendicularly; also : straight ahead : directly in front
 < there was the deer plump in our path >
3. : without hesitation, circumlocution, or concealment : bluntly, flatly, directly, unqualifiedly
 < came out plump for a lower tariff >
III. noun
: an act of falling, plunging, or striking abruptly or heavily : a sudden plunge, heavy fall, or blow
 < gave a plump of his fist against the door >
also : the sound made by such an act
 < fell into the brook with a plump >
IV. adjective
1. : descending or facing directly
2. : done or made suddenly and without reservation : blunt, direct, unqualified
3. : paid at one time
V. \“, ˈplu̇mp\ noun
Etymology: Middle English plumpe
1. chiefly dialect : cluster, group, clump
2. : a flock of waterfowl
 < a plump of ducks >
VI. \ˈpləmp\ adjective
Etymology: Middle Dutch plomp, plump dull, blunt, stupid
 a. : having ample flesh : showing rounded, buxom, and usually pleasing fullness
  < a woman of medium height, a little plump but not fat — Mary McCarthy >
  < the plump figure and portly waist … of a genial and humorous man — J.R.Green >
 b. : marked by a full rounded form
  < plump cushions with bright covers — Blanche E. Baughan >
  < secret thickets where the plumpest beach plums ripen — Phyllis Duganne >
  < the wind … having driven plump golden clouds across the sky — Rebecca West >
2. : marked by amplitude, abundance, or richness
 < what a plump endowment to the … mouth of a prelate — John Milton >
 < the book is plump with examples and citations — C.W.Collins >
Synonyms: see fat
VII. verb
transitive verb
: to cause to fill or swell out : fatten, distend
intransitive verb
: to fill or swell out : become fattened or distended




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