释义 |
pe·ri·od·ic \|pirē|ädik, |pēr-, -dēk\ adjective Etymology: French périodique, from Latin periodicus, from Greek periodikos, from periodos period + -ikos -ic — more at period 1. a. : characterized by periods : occurring at regular intervals < periodic phases of the moon > < periodic municipal elections > b. : occurring repeatedly from time to time : recurrent, intermittent < periodic epidemics > < periodic drinking sprees > : frequent < one of Bermuda's periodic power failures — Time > 2. : consisting of a series of stages or processes that is regularly repeated : cyclic < periodic vibration > 3. : of or relating to a period < house was pleasant and comfortable, they were too sophisticated to be periodic — Scribner's > 4. a. : of or relating to a form of construction found in some Greek odes in which the second and third in a group of four strophes are alike in structure and the first and fourth differ from these and from each other b. : expressed in or characterized by periodic sentences < periodic style > |