释义 |
tope I. \ˈtōp\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: obsolete tope, interjection used to wish good health before drinking, probably from French, done! agreed!, from tope, 1st person singular present indicative of toper to agree, consent, accept a bet, cover the opponent's stake, from Spanish topar to take a bet, strike against, butt, bump, of imitative origin; probably from the custom of drinking after a wager transitive verb archaic : to drink (intoxicating liquor) frequently or to excess intransitive verb : to drink intoxicating liquor to excess or in large drafts II. noun (-s) Etymology: origin unknown : any of several small sharks; especially : a cosmopolitan brownish or grayish bottom-dwelling shark (Galeorhinus galeus) having a liver extremely rich in vitamin A — called also soupfin shark III. noun (-s) Etymology: Tamil tōppu India : a grove, clump, or plantation of trees < a mango tope > IV. noun (-s) Etymology: Hindi top, probably from Sanskrit stūpa : a round cupola-topped building erected as a Buddhist shrine : stupa |