释义 |
-less \lə̇s\ adjective suffix Etymology: Middle English -les, -lesse, from Old English -lēas, from lēas devoid, false; akin to Old Saxon lōs loose, false, Middle Dutch los loose, Old High German lōs, Old Norse lauss loose, Gothic laus empty, Old English losian to get lost, perish — more at lose 1. : destitute of : not having : free from < witless > < childless > < fatherless > < doubtless > 2. : beyond the range of — in adjectives formed from nouns of action < countless > 3. : unable or lacking power to be acted on or to act (in a specified way) — in adjectives formed from verbs < resistless > < dauntless > < quenchless > < tireless > < fadeless > < ceaseless > |