

单词 approach
释义 ap·proach
I. \əˈprōch\ verb
Etymology: Middle English approchen, aprochen, from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiare, from Latin ad- + Late Latin -propiare (from Latin prope near); akin to Latin pro before, for — more at for
transitive verb
 a. : to come or go near or nearer to in place or time : draw nearer to
  < we approached the city >
  < approach the hour of departure with dread >
 b. : to come or go near or nearer to in character or quality
  < approach manhood >
  < a performance that approaches perfection >
  or quantity
  < an error that approaches zero as a limit >
2. : to bring near or nearer
 < he approached the drill to the work >
3. : to address tentatively or make an overture to especially in order to create a desired point of view or result:
 a. : to take preliminary steps toward accomplishment or full knowledge or experience of
  < approach a task >
  < approach a problem >
  < approach an author's works >
 b. : to begin discussion of
  < having discussed crime, they approached its elimination >
  (1) : to make advances to : solicit (as a prospective purchaser or contributor)
  (2) : to attempt to bribe or influence
   < approach a member of the legislature >
intransitive verb
 a. : to come or go near or nearer in place or time : to draw nearer
  < the sound approached more rapidly >
  < as daylight approaches >
 b. : to come or go near or nearer in character or quality
  < approach to or recede from a line >
2. : to make a golfing approach
 < he spoils his game by approaching badly >
Synonyms: see match
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English approche, from approchen, v.
 a. : a drawing near in space or time
  < the rapid approach of a tornado >
  < the approach of summer >
 b. : a coming or being near in quality or character
  < the approach of dictatorship was foreshadowed by certain events >
  < in this fine work he made his closest approach to true greatness >
 a. obsolete : ability to approach : opportunity of approaching
 b. : a way of gaining access (as to the understanding of a subject)
  < this book provides a good approach to nuclear physics >
 a. approaches plural, obsolete : advances or maneuvers toward one
  (1) : the taking of tentative or introductory steps for a particular purpose (as full accomplishment, discussion, acquaintance, or solicitation)
   < his method of approach to the subject repels most readers >
   < new lines of approach >
  (2) : a particular manner of taking such steps
   < her approach was obviously friendly >
  (1) : a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or a building can be approached
   < the approach to the park >
  (2) approaches plural : the means of approaching an area
   < air approaches between the continental United States and outlying bases >
 b. approaches plural : means of approach (as zigzag trenches) prepared by besiegers in advancing toward fortifications
 c. : an embankment, trestle, or other construction that provides access at either end of a bridge or tunnel
 d. : a portion of railroad track along which a train passes before entering an area controlled by a signal
5. also approaching : approach graft
 a. : a golfing stroke from the fairway for the green
  (1) : the steps and motion of a bowler before he delivers the ball
  (2) : the part of the alley in front of the foul line from which a bowler delivers the ball
7. : descent of an airplane toward a landing strip




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